Last Time on My Little Raisin:
>Use leverage against one guard to convince him to leave; he goes to investigate the East Wing of the castle in search of ‘Raisin’
>Ask the remaining guard if you can help him in some way; suggests that you get him the right paperwork for Archæus to take the White Chest off his hooves
>**Tell Sweetie Belle to destroy or otherwise separate Archæus from his glasses
>xXx Head to the East Wing to collect legitimate paperwork xXx
>**Turn back, create a fast forgery, present to guard**
>Guard is pleased; knows it’s a phony, but as long as the chest falls under the watch of Archæus, he’s okay. Happily trots off, Archæus is extremely irate that his glasses are missing
>Attempt to talk to Archæus to get him to leave; he explodes and starts blindly searching around for you, mistaking you for Sweetie Belle
>Sidestep angry old pone, stare at magnificent White Chest, knowing that it more than likely holds the Adanemzurai
>Analyze the White Chest to find a way to open it
>**Tell Sweetie to distract Archæus**
>xXx Prod at the holes on the outside of the chest xXx 1/6 chance of triggering Chest Trap
>Remove Fancy Horseshoe, push down on stone button
>--Begin turning stone button—
>xXx Yank on pin xXx 1/3 chance of trigger chest trap
>**Pin Removed**
>Open the White Chest, wrap Adanemzurai inside of dress
>**Convince guard that bundled dresses are all the rage in fashion** 1/5 chance of failure, modified to 2/5 chance due to lack of significant chosen number
>Have Sweetie Belle wrap up the writing supplies (Glass Jar, Quills, Parchment, Empty Ink Bottle) in her dress
>Go out onto airdock balcony, begin inspecting chariots for your old supplies
>Apprehended by guard that asked you to leave the chariots alone
>--Tell Sweetie that you planned on taking over the guard—
>Send Sweetie to distract guard while you sneak up and take over his mind
>--Bail out of plan, go to airship instead—
>Wind messes up Raisin’s mane (1/6 chance while on balcony)
>Enter airship, invited to stay in private lodgings
*Asterisks represent good actions, xXx represents bad actions
In a small dark cabin aboard a rich unicorn couple’s airship, Raisin and her friend Sweetie Belle dump their belongings onto the posh bedding provided for them and prepare to enact a bold plan. Whatever this bold plan is, the two fillies must find a way to reach the Castle in the Sand… and fast.
Inventory check:
You make sure that the nosy Pegasus guard isn't flapping around your window. Peeking through the shades quick, you make sure he isn't trying to listen in on your conversation.
Sweetie Belle looks around, then spots a candle on a nearby dresser. "It's a little dark in here..." As she searches around for a way to light it, you close the drapes and turn to face her.
"Sweetie Belle... we need to takeover this ship."
She looks at you, though it's hard to see. She continues feeling around for a stompstarter. "W..what? Takeover the ship? Why in Equestria do we need to do that?" She sounds a little nervous.
"We've gotta stop Tezel. If we can fly over there in this airship quick, I can whoop his stone tail and have us back home before breakfast."
She shakes her head. "Why do we need to stop this 'Tezel' guy anyways? Who is he?" She finally gets her hooves on a small stompstarter. "Gonna light up this candle quick..."
You stop Sweetie Belle quick. "Here, let me get it. Don't want to burn yourself, right?"
"...I've used a Stompstarter before..." Sweetie Belle whines a bit as you take it from her hooves. With one good kick, you manage to spark up the candle. Carefully, you set the candle back on its holster and let it's light fill the room. You begin to take in how grandeur this room truly is; not a single bit was spared in making sure this room would impress a guest.
You drop the Stompstarter inside of Sweetie's Glass Jar. It barely fits.
You decide to try and explain yourself. "Okay, we don't really have much time to talk. I found out a few things about this whole curse, Sally's elixir, this..." You hesitate a moment, drinking in the lustrous sheen of the Adanemzurai. "...this Golden Box... they're all the reason that some of the unicorns we've seen lately are acting a little funny."
Sweetie Belle nods her head. "Um... okay... I think I understand... But who's Tezel?"
"He's some giant stone pony that lives in the West mountains that's making all this stuff happen. I have a feeling that Sh...this box can stop him."
As you explain yourself to Sweetie, you pull the drapes open a little bit. "We need to get there so I can... do something... I don't know what, with this box to stop Tezel. Otherwise, we're all going to be in a lot of trouble."
You watch a tan feather drift by the window. vAn urge overtakes you... the Adanemzurai just looks so brilliant by the candlelight. You're sure somepony is outside, spying on you... just a quick peek with your better vision...
"Hold on, Sweetie... I'm just going to check something really quick..."
Your hoof almost feels like it's being magnetically pulled toward the beautiful golden box. As you touch it, you realize that you cannot hear Her. "" Your horseshoe clinks against the side. You slip it off quick, then go to touch the box again. You close your eyes in anticipation...
Suddenly, you feel calm, but almost whispy in a way... as if you were no longer in your own body. Your vision becomes incredibly clear; your eyelids nor the walls can hinder your sight. You see the aura of a pegasus pony outside of the window. Above your head, you can feel the Rich Couple... they seem to be chatting with one another. You can feel fear in your little friend... what's-her-name...
"Raisin... I've so longed for your touch..." A calm voice resonates through your head.
Quickly, you pull away, then put your horseshoe back on. A rush seems to pull the happiness out of your body... you feel a little cold as your vision dulls once more.
GAME INFO: The window feels like a second entrance into the ship. It's large enough to accommodate the tallest of ponies. You wager that Celestia herself could easily pass through the sliding window.
With the guard right outside the window, you decide it best to cease your conversation and see if you can talk to the Rich Couple upstairs.
You stare at Sweetie Belle for a few seconds, then finally remember her name. "S..Sweetie..." You whisper yell for her attention before nodding your head toward the window. You blink your eyes in a certain pattern at her. She looks concerned, then motions toward the door. "C'mon... let's go see what's going on upstairs. They said they had food, right... Amethyst?"
"Yes, let us dine. I'm ever so famished, Writesalot." You speak a little louder before wrapping up the Adanemzurai and putting it on your back. You quickly follow Sweetie out of the room and back upstairs into the well lit main deck.
The Rich Mare looks you over quick. "...let me guess... your dress was totaled?" She pours over the little bundle on your back. "It was such a lovely dress, too."
The Rich Stallion walks over to you and Sweetie. "Ah, girls! I see you've freshened up a li-" He stops. "Well, you're both probably quite famished. Do help yourselves to the cuisine!" He motions a hoof to the outer deck door.
"Actually, good sir... I was wondering if you could... fly the airship for a while?"
He and his wife chortle. "Oh, I do remember when I was so small and adventurous." He calms down a bit. "We shall do all the flying you like, but not tonight." He polishes his monocle quick. "Tonight, I was hoping to dine in the company of your esteemed parents! I've extended them invitations to dine aboard the airship tonight... then, we'll be heading out to visit the Northern Crystal Ranges in the morning."
Sweetie Belle looks about. She gives you a little bump.
You turn around to see what Sweetie Bumped you for. "Yes, Writesalot?" She looks off toward the main entrance to the ship.
Through the panoramic windows, you see a small platoon of guards outside looking in. They're holding up a small scroll, looking down at it, then up at you and Sweetie Belle.
Sweetie shakes slightly by your side.
"Not even for a little spin under the night sky? I'm sure my mother would love you giving me a little peek?"
The Rich Stallion glances over to his wife. "She really knows how to use her status, doesn't she?" His wife simply rolls her eyes, then lifts another small leaf of lettuce to her mouth. "Certainly. A small trip around Canterlot would be an excellent way to unwind at the end of such a long day, wouldn't you agree?"
"Most certainly."
The guards outside seem extremely curious. Two of them approach the ship as the Rich Stallion heads for the main controls. He doesn't seem to notice the distant Pegasi.
Watching as the guards make their advance, you decide to put on a little act. "Oh, bother it all. Those second class simpletons just won't leave me alone today."
The Rich Mare turns her head from the beautiful sunset. She sees the encroaching ponies making their way toward the ship. "Oh my..." She simply sets her plate down and wanders over to the door. As she does so, you and Sweetie peel out of sight, drop your items off in a lonely corner of the ship, then reappear by the Rich Mare's side, your dresses crinkled up quite a bit from being bundled around your belongings.
The Mare opens the door. "Can I help you, gentlemen?" The two guards stop out on the bridge.
"Uh.. yes, actually..." One guard speaks up. "Can you tell us who 'that' is over there?" He points directly at you.
The Mare turns her head for a moment. "That? This is Amethyst, Lady Velvet's little filly." The Rich Mare puts a slight bit of aggravation in her tone. "Do you have business with her?"
You and Sweetie have your noses held up high. The guard stammers. "Uh... well, honestly.. we thought that..." He trails off for a moment. The Rich Stallion calls back over his shoulder as he preps the engines. "Who's that? Is that Lady Velvet?"
"No, dear. It's nobody." She gives the two a scowl before shutting the doors. They look embarrassed as they trek back to their platoon. The others appear to be laughing at them.
"...those dresses are beyond recognition..." the Rich Mare looks down at you and sighs.
You hear the hum of the airship as it comes to life.
You lavish the Rich Mare in thanks. She gives you a soft smile which fades as she speaks. "It's always such a hassle dealing with the lower classes... they're so... unrefined. Backwards, I dare say."
"Madam, where did you say we could dine?"
She waves a hoof toward the back doors that lead to the outer deck. You feel the airship rock a bit as it pulls away from the safety of the Canterlot airdocks. "On the main deck, dear. Be sure to feed your servant as well, Amethyst. There is plenty to be had." She returns to nibbling on her little piece of lettuce. As she does, she begins to calm down a bit.
You look towards the back of the ship before the Rich Stallion calls out. "Oh, do come back shortly! I'll show you a few little tricks I picked up in my years of aviation!" He throws the wheel to the left. The airship spins and ascends, leaving the airdocks below and behind you.
Sweetie takes a few gasps of breath. "Rai-Amethyst, that was ever so bothersome! I'm so relieved to be rid of those terrible guards!" She rests her forehead against yours for a moment before heading toward the outer dock door.
"You comin'?"
Your hunger rumbles your belly. You decide that you've had quite the adventure thus far.. being knocked out, imprisoned, escaping... and getting your precious Adanemzurai back. It's about time you got yourself some food. "Let us go, Writesalot." You and Sweetie giggle as you head out onto the main deck, making sure to shut the door behind you.
The main deck is wonderful. You see a big windscreen unfurling into place as the airship ascends and cruises through the sky. You pass a few golden clouds on the left as the sunset washes over the beautiful ship. Sweetie immediately spots the gourmet food prepared at one of the tables. She squeals with delight and takes off, you following in her wake.
You look off toward the lit mountain range. Sweetie just sighs as she takes another bite of her salad. "Isn't this just beautiful?" You look toward the gold and pink clouds hanging in the distance. Honestly, you've never been this far up. You're quite fearful of heights ever since your run in with Sally, but you figure that if you just look toward the distance and not down, it is quite a sight.
As you stare into the sunset, you glance off to the left back towards the ship. Something odd catches your eyes; a big, black spot stuck to the wall. It doesn't move, but the eyes in the mask seem to enlarge a bit. It moves a single claw up to the face, a gesture to ensure you'll remain silent.
You stop and think for a moment. For some reason or another, the figure looks familiar. Butterflies roll around your stomach. Finally, you nod at it, then mouth the words "come here". The figure doesn't move for a moment. It squints. Then, it puts a claw over its eyes to look at you. The figure drops its shoulders, then drops its bag. The clink gets Sweetie's attention. She immediately shrieks.
The figure waves its arms about wildly, putting a claw up to its mouth. It turns its head toward the door, then dashes over the deck. It rolls over Sweetie and curls her into a ball, covering Sweetie's mouth.
Two strong wings clasp around the back of your head, bringing you in close. The three of you are now huddled up on the deck. The mysterious figure talks, but its speech is muffled. "...of all places... are you who I think you are? Kid?"
"Sally... Or have you gotten yourself a new name now?" You look at the bewildered figure.
She looks down at Sweetie Belle. "You gonna scream?" Sweetie's eyes are wide as dinner saucers, but she shakes her head back and forth. The figure lets her go.
"...It's Serene Saffron now. I'm a jewelry dealer... merchant." She puts a firm claw around your body. "...nice mane."
"Nice to meet you again. Care to take care of a Royal pain in the ass with us?"
She seems mortified. " haven't... he's still around?!" She puts a claw up to your mouth. "No names, no specifics. Where's... it? The thing? Your not dead, so I assume you didn't open it..." The griffon pulls the wraps off her head. She's wearing some very interesting makeup that makes her look a bit more high class.
"You sold it, didn't you?" She just squints at you. "What in Equestria are you DOING here?! What were you doing in Canterlot?! Were you what the guards were going nuts about?!" Her grip tightens a little.
"We opened that present you gave us and added a personalizing touch to it. It works like a charm and should be able to solve our problems so long as we have a friend with wings."
Saffron' blinks in disbelief. She cracks a smile. "You 'opened' it and added a personal touch, huh?" She gives you a light toss as you slide across the deck on your ruffled dress. "Kid, you know how much I hate liars." She cracks her knuckles, then turns around. "Who'd ya sell it to? Jaffre downtown? Those traveling gypsies?" Her face gets right up in yours. "You don't still have it, do you?" She looks very upset. "That box is cursed. I only gave it to you because, for some idiotic reason, I thought you might know how to put an end to it." Her fist slams down next to you, cracking the board on the deck. Sweetie looks about, frozen in place.
"If you've still got it, then I need it back. That cannot fall into the wrong hooves... or claws... or gigantic golem mitts."
"Sally, that's exactly what I'm trying to do. You have no idea how much I want this to end so I can go home and play with my friends like normal again.
I have the box. And I need your help to put an end to this."
The griffin looks into your eyes and stares you down. Your resolve remains; you don't so much as quiver in her intimidating presence. She suddenly melts a bit. "'re not lying... wh... how did you open it without becoming a zombie?" She catches herself. "No names if there are any involved."
Sweetie sounds like she's gasping for air. She's huffing loud, just watching the giant, scary griffon stand over you. How fast Sally seems to go from pleasant to almost murderous frightens her immensely.
"And what do you need my help for, anyways? I'm not going anywhere near that sandy place in some random general direction." Sally looks about, then freezes as she stares at the dock door. "Aw... shoot."
The Rich Mare ducks from the window of the main deck door. As she disappears from sight for a few moments, Sally looks around for a place to escape the main deck. The windscreen has it all sealed in. "Well, there goes another identity..." She opens her claws up, ready to pounce at the door. You put a hoof up to her.
"Come now, my dear. You're a good friend of Amethyst's."
The griffon looks at you funny. Suddenly, the door bursts open. The Rich Stallion is armed with two exceptionally long spears. "Amethyst... Amethyst's servant... stand back!" He twirls the weapons around skillfully, then throws one in Sally's direction. She catches it in her claws. "Defend yourself."
You interrupt the fight immediately. "Oh! No, no, sir. Serene Saffron is nooo fighter. She's a noble lady... like I!" You nod at 'Saffron', who puts on her own act and sets the spear down.
"Charmed to meet you... sir...?" Saffron's accent is suddenly foreign... a bit like that weird Photo Finish pony that visited Ponyville a while back. It's amazingly convincing.
"Serene... Saffron?" The Rich Stallion keeps his spear pointed at her for a second. "Are you a friend of Lady Velvet?"
Sally nearly chokes with laughter, then composes herself. "Oh yes, quite a close friend. I've known her ki- daughter since she was oh so very young."
The Stallion seems a bit skeptical. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were a burglar..." The spear goes up in the air as he picks the other one off the deck, wiping off where Sally touched it. "Forgive me, madame. I'm not used to your... taste... in fashion." The Rich Stallion hands the two spears back to his wife. "If you're a close acquaintance of Lady Velvets... then tell me. What color is the jeweled necklace she so prizes?"
Saffron almost instantly replies. "Amethyst, a very fine, large carat one, set in a 200 year old intricate gold amulet."
The Rich Stallion smiles. "Ah, it's good to know a friend of a friend! You're welcome aboard the deck. Do enjoy the view; we'll be heading back to Canterlot soon."
As he turns around, Sally just gives you a look. "How was I? Not bad, eh kid?"
You give Sally a hug around her waist, telling her that she was amazing. Sally puts a claw between you and her, pushing you away. "Thanks, kid... now what were you talking about? You needed help or something?"
You nod. "Yes, Sally. We need your help. I've gotta have a flyer with me to defeat... uh.. you know who." You wink at her.
Sally rolls her eyes. "Okay, yeah, I know who you're talking about. I can't believe you're still that dead set on suicide." She looks a little annoyed. "I'm not going anywhere NEAR that place ever again. I'm dead meat if I even talk about it... I tried to earlier." She leans in close. "Some statue came to life and nearly stomped me into a pile of feathers."
Sweetie Belle finally speaks up. "Wait.. you're... you're that griffin from Ponyville!"
"Yeah." Sally looks at you. "Fast one, ain't she?"
The ship seems to be making a wide, graceful turn. You watch as the sunset moves to the other side of the deck. The Rich Mare keeps an eye on you from inside the cabin.
"Alright, then... if you're too chicken to help us out, then I need to at least get back to Ponyville." You look up at her with your big, filly eyes. "Can you pleeease fly me and my friend down there?"
Sally busts up. "Go back to Ponyville? Are you kidding?" She walks over to her bag of pilfered goods. "Look, kid... the Princess was down there looking for ME and someone else just a few hours ago. There ain't no way I'm heading back to Ponyville with all those guards crawlin' about." She looks you over. "Plus, you'd stick out like a sore thumb. None of those hicks could afford dresses like you two probably stole. No offense."
"C'mon, we just saved your tail. Help us out a little, won't ya?" You point at your dress. "Drop us off at the edge of the forest and we'll give you these expensive dresses. You can probably sell them for a few Bits, I'll bet."
Sweetie looks hesitant. "Wh.. wait, Raisin... how do you know she won't just drop us and take our dresses anyways after we hit the ground?"
Sally scratches her chin. "Somehow, I think flat fillies in expensive dresses wouldn't fetch me much on the market." The griffin goes up to the windscreen and starts cutting it with her claws. "Y'know what? This is my last favor. I'll fly you two down, but you give me those dresses when we land."
Sweetie Belle nuzzles up next to you. "I don't trust her, Raisin..."
You tell Sally to wait for a moment. "Hold on, I gotta get something... Sweetie Belle, you wait here."
Sweetie puts a little distance between herself and Sally. You turn around before going inside. "Sweetie, if you trust me, then you can definitely trust her. She's the one that gave me the Adanemz- The box." Sweetie doesn't seem too relieved to hear this.
You rush inside quick looking to the spot you dropped off your items. You notice that the Glass Jar and it's contents are still on the floor... but where is the Adanemzurai?
"My word... Amethyst? Is this your box?" The Rich Stallion is holding the box up in the air. "This is absolutely magnificent! What a treasure to behold!" He looks excited to hold it. "Where did you get this? I must have one just like it! No matter the cost, I need to get one of these..." He pushes on the top a bit. "Does it open?"
The Rich Mare notices that the windscreen is being cut up. "Uh... Amethyst... what is your friend doing out there?"
You panic a little bit as the hooves of an unworthy stain the outer casing of your precious Adanemzurai.
"Give Her to me."
Your direct command catches the Rich Stallion off guard. "...oh, yes... quite. Sorry, I have a keen eye for beauty, as one may have been able to tell..." He looks outside. "Confound it all! Is Serene ripping through my dragonsilk windscreen?!" He drops the little box in your hooves. It clinks against your fancy horseshoes, but it's power resonates beyond your limits for temptation. You close your eyes and follow behind the Rich Stallion, hitting the main deck.
"You could have just asked for me to retract it! I put it up so the girls could enjoy a dinner on deck!" He seems very upset. "This screen cost almost as much as the ship itself! It's pure Eastern Dragonsilk from over the ocean!"
"Oh, my apologies." Sally bluntly states as she finishes cutting a swatch out of the screen. She's already got Sweetie Belle under one of her arms like a small football. She eyes the Adanemzurai with great want...
"Shall we?"
Quickly, you run as fast as you can on two hooves, heading back inside. The Adanemzurai almost seems to vibrate in your hands... it's hard to hold on to. A pulse shivers up your legs. "..Raisin..."
You look around the corner, then pick up the small Glass Jar in your mouth. Clumsily, you rush back out onto the deck. The Rich Stallion puts a hoof out, stopping you from getting close to Sally.
"You... you, madam... you have offended me greatly this day." The Rich Stallion is absolutely livid. "The audacity... the nerve of coming aboard, unannounced, then cutting through my prized windscreen..." He shakes with anger. "I shall have your stores shutdown in any city you go to. You will never sell jewelry again, you hear?!"
Sally rolls her eyes. "Ready, kid?"
"I'm sorry, good sir, but me and my friends here must be going now. Mother shall foot the bill for the windscreen, rest assured." You nuzzle up to his foreleg. His anger seems to disappear for a moment. "Thanks for all your help."
"You're... quite welcome?" He seems a little confused, but accepts your thanks. You rush toward Sally, but suddenly a voice booms in your head. "Raisin... command me..." The Adanemzurai beckons for your touch. You can feel it draw you close, but you resist.
You can see Sally pulling away from you. She grabs around your body with one claw and holds you at a distance. "Comfy?" She gives you a little squeeze, making you squeak. With one last nod to the Rich Stallion, Sally jumps off of the deck. "Later, snob. Thanks for the goods."
She divebombs towards the ground, pulling up as she nears the treeline. To your side, you feel Sweetie Belle breathing softer now... she's snuggled up against Sally's 'ninja suit'. You find it incredibly difficult to hold the Adanemzurai with your horseshoes on.
You think of a command for the box. "Stop slipping out of my grasp."
Suddenly, you feel the box nearly pull your hooves into the side of it. It almost feels as though it's crushing your hooves. You cannot separate them from the box's sides. It hurts a little bit, but the box doesn't seem to be going anywhere. "As you command, my queen..."
As Sally banks around a few trees, she swoops down outside of the edge of a forest. She sets you and Sweetie Belle down.
"Wait, this isn't close to Ponyville..." Sweetie looks about. "Isn't this Whitetail Wood?"
"Everfree Forest, Whitetail Wood... it's all the same, right?" Sally shrugs. "Okay, now for your end of the deal. Those dresses and those shoes. Pronto." Sally holds open her bag of pilfered goods. "Keep that thing, though." She scoffs as you hold the Adanemzurai in your unrelenting grasp.
You try to pry your hooves free from the Adanemzurai, but it will not allow you to. A voice echoes out from the box. "What's wrong, my queen? Did you not wish for me to stay in your grasp?"
Again, you issue another command in your mind. "Let go! Fall! Release my hooves!" Suddenly, the Adanemzurai falls to the ground. You quickly shed your belongings, whipping your pretty horseshoes off and scooting your way out of your dress. Sweetie Belle seems reluctant on giving up the dress... she refuses to give up the horseshoes.
"C'mon, kid. We made a deal. One flight, one set of clothes. Pay up." Sally jingles her bag.
"You said dresses! You never asked us for our shoes!" Sweetie looks upset. Sally just jingles the bag again. "Now."
Sweetie kicks off her horseshoes. "Those were so pretty..."
"Well, they'll look pretty on someone else now. We've all gotta make money, right?" Sally ties up her bag quick.
"Sally... are you sure you don't want to raid... you know, the 'place'... just one more time? I bet there's a ton of loot-"
"Listen. There's a lot of things in life that simply aren't worth the risk. That place's gold? That's one of them. That's how I got into this mess in the first place." She rubs her temples. "Okay, I'm not saying this again. No. If you want to go and get yourself killed, I won't stop you... but I'm certainly not going to carry you off to your death. Get somepony else to do that for you."
You run up and give Sally a hug quick. "...I know you did this for payment and whatnot... but thanks. Thanks for everything."
Sally leans back, but unexpectedly wraps a single arm around you. "Ah ha... yeah, that's nice, whatever." She speaks with a sarcastic tone before nudging you away. "My advice? Don't go out there. You're going to die. Just bury that... thing... somewhere, and go on your way."
The Adanemzurai sits on the ground before you.
"Good bye, Sally. We'll meet again."
She looks back over her shoulder. "If you still plan on going where you say you're going, we probably won't. Good luck, kid."
In a rush of wind, the black cloaked griffin takes off into the sky. She passes a cloud, then seems to disappear. Sweetie Belle huddles up next to you. ", that was Snakeoil Sally..." She pauses for a moment. "She's a real jerk."
"C'mon, Sweetie Belle. We're still going to do this.. we'll need a Pegasus..." You stare at the Adanemzurai on the ground.