Raisin Quest 3
Day 10


>Stopped singing to the Treasure Seeker Fanatic, watched her get turned to stone by the Cockatrice
>Huddled up and waited for the Cockatrice to leave
>Headed down the path, found Sweetie Belle injured in a bush. Rarity had vanished.
>Put Sweetie Belle in wagon, continued onward to the base of the mountain trail
>Scouted ahead of the team because Scootaloo was too chicken to do so herself
>Came to a plateau, saw two ponies standing on the other side
>Sang to ponies, discovered that they were Rarity and the derped out filly Fluttershy lost
>Chanted to a dead tree
>Saw a gap in the trail, told Applebloom to cut down the tree to make a bridge
>Gigantic stone bird flew by on patrol, caught the group by surprise
>xXx Decided to try and utilize the mysterious box to attempt to control the giant stone bird xXx
>xXx Raisin lost her mind, player unable to control Raisin… xXx
>APPLE QUEST TIEM > Player assumed control of Applebloom
>**Took Raisin’s explosives, threw them at the giant stone bird. Bird was defeated**
>Rushed the team out of the plateau due to an impending avalanche
>All ponies accounted for; group hug and attempt to restore Raisin’s mind
>Rarity runs off ahead of the group
>**Used Marshmallows as earplugs to stop the derped out filly from rushing off to the Castle**
>**Traveled to the Castle in the Sand**
>Used a stone to distract guards, assumed cardboard box disguises from hammerspace, snuck into the Castle
>Distracted guards inside the Castle with rocks, got most of team to the Grand Staircase
>**Went back and rescued the scared filly**
>Looked into treasure room; tempted to search through treasure
>Sitting on steps, trying to determine next course of action
>Decide to investigate the treasury to see what may be inside
>xXx Have Pinkie jump onto the puzzle tiles xXx
>**Let Strawberry show you how to safely traverse the tile puzzle trap**
>Safely reach the treasure room
>**Raisin relinquishes Golden Box**
>Tell Strawberry to go and find the key that opens the box
>Stop Strawberry from entering Tezel’s Throne Room
>xXx Open the box yourself xXx
>**Dump out Piece of Granite**
>Formulate a plan to attack Tezel
>**Send Pinkie in to distract Tezel…**
>xXx Have Pinkie deliver the Golden Box directly to Tezel xXx
>(RIP) Pinkie is crushed, Tezel has the Golden Box(RIP)
>**Destroy the Crystal Phonograph**
>Tezel goes into a rampage; escape with remaining party members

*Asterisks represent good actions, xXx represents bad actions

Standing out in the middle of the grand hallway of the Castle in the Sand with Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Strawberry, and her unresponsive friend Raisin, Applebloom shivers in fear as she contemplates her next move. Horrible things have happened for these brave fillies and, somehow, Applebloom is determined to set things right. With Tezel stomping mad just outside the castle, the young filly collects her wits and tries to come up with a plan to save her friends… and fast.

Though a tragedy has just occurred in the gigantic throne room behind your team, you begin to wonder where the other ponies you knew, like Rarity and Lyra, went off to. Without a word, you begin walking up the steps.

"Applebloom! What are you doing?!" Scootaloo chases up after you. "Do you really want to go in there? After what that monster did to Pinkie?!" She looks into your eyes with certain horror. You affirm that your team must stay strong and rescue as many ponies as possible, starting with Rarity. Sweetie Belle snaps her head back. "Oh! OH! RARITY!" She starts to panic, running up the stairs. You catch her, covering her eyes up as you walk into the quiet chambers.

The emptiness in the air hangs with a ghost like presence. The giant drapes covering the doorway all but blot out the noise from the entrance. Ahead, you see something pink on the carpet. To the right, you see something red. You try to avoid looking at either spot in any great detail. Further right, you see a unicorn up against the wall. He looks badly injured.

Scootaloo looks only toward the right exit. "We're going that way, right? I don't want to be in here..." Raisin and Strawberry peer their way into the room. Strawberry carries the little purple filly on her back, keeping her eyes to the ground.

You make your way over to the guard, keeping your head turned away from the throne itself. The team seems to follow your lead, focusing only on the guard up ahead. You hear Strawberry sniffle a little bit. Looking over your shoulder, you see that Raisin is still non-responsive.

The green maned guard coughs. "...oooOoohhh..." He shakes his head slowly. "Wh...who are you... where am I?" He looks dazed. You introduce yourself quietly.

"A..Applebloom?" He nods his head. "...a..alright..." Scootaloo lifts up the guard's head, trying to comfort the confused pony as best as she can.

You can hear the sound of Tezel's stomping hooves coming from the doorway. The shouts of ponies seem to flood in from this direction.

"Excuse me, sir... do you remember anything at all about what happened?"

The unicorn closes his eyes and blinks hard a few times. He slowly begins to mull over a few thoughts before coming up with an answer. "...yes... actually.. I do remember..." Scootaloo helps the guard up to his hooves. He sits down still a bit dazed.

"The last thing I can remember is this really flashy salesgriffin handing me a bottle of this... what was it? Water?" He rubs his head. "...the next thing I know, I wake up and BAM!" He gestures to his side. "...kicked in the ribs!"

You hear the sound of hooves clopping against the stone floor down the darker corridor on your right. The guard looks into the room a bit, noticing the different colors contrasting against the stone floor. He doesn't say a word.

Curious as to the noise of normal pony hooves galloping down the darkened corridor to your left, you peek inside. Down the way, you can see moonlight pouring in from the outside. A couple of mares are running inside with their horns lit up, a look of sheer terror on their faces. You're unable to see their faces.


Chasing them, you see a monstrous stone lion.

You quickly react to the incoming mares shrill warning. "Quick! C'mon!" You nudge the dizzy unicorn guard to his hooves. Still disoriented, Scootaloo helps the stallion get his bearings as your small team starts to run toward the treasury.

"Sweetie Belle!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" A familiar voice calls from behind your group.

"Rarity!? Is that you!?" Sweetie Belle calls back. With a quick turn of your head, you see Rarity and Lyra booking it from a terrifying stone lion. You run as fast as your little apple pony legs will carry you.

"C'mon! Hurry!" You see the guard that Scootaloo was helping tumble into the treasury room. Your group nearly falls down the stairs as the two mares come flying in behind you. Rarity scoops up Sweetie Belle and continues running. Lyra picks up Strawberry and Raisin, continuing her gallop. You and Scoots are now side by side, the unicorn guard fallen over in a pile of treasure in front of you.

"Go on! I'll fend him off!" The unicorn charges up his horn. "Get! Go!"

Scootaloo tugs on your hoof. "C'mon, AB!"

You yank away from Scootaloo for a moment. "AB!" You run up to the unicorn, then give him a quick hug. Some very peculiar words come to mind. "It will be okay next time. I promise..." You're not sure why you said this, but you felt that you had to. The guard pushes you away, then shoves both you and Scootaloo toward the main treasury room entrance that Rarity and Lyra ran through. "Go! GO!"

You and Scootaloo start running. You hear a giant thud, then the guard shouting, "Come on! Come get me!" You hear a thud again, then a roar.

You patter your hooves on toward the entrance. Rarity and Lyra stand by the side of the door, their backs pressed up against the wall. Lyra pulls you over with her magic, then covers your mouth with her hoof.

"Shhhhh!" Rarity motions. You cannot determine what is causing this odd behavior.

You can hear the guard struggling with the lion in the other room still. You breathe hotly against Lyra's hoof, trying to figure out what has them all so spooked.

Suddenly, a gigantic, muddy stone hoof comes slamming down onto the threshold entrance. "I can't believe those little brats even got in here!" Tezel's voice echoes in the hallway. He slowly moves into the hall.

You pull up against the green mare, trying to remain as still and quiet as possible. You can hear Strawberry whimpering to your side.

You quickly cover up Strawberry's mouth. You know how scared she is right now; you feel yourself trembling as well. You didn't come this far just to get squished.

As you cover her mouth, you see Tezel stop in the entrance. "I suppose it doesn't matter anymore. Now that I've got The Adanemzurai.. and my greatest creation to date..." The giant golem continues towards the throne room. "...I cannot be beaten." His ears turn about, looking for noise. His hooves scuff over the marks he left in the granite. "Hmm... that's gonna take a little more than wax to buff out..."

He walks up to the throne room, disappearing behind the curtains. Rarity and Lyra drag your group toward a corner.

"Girls... I don't know what you're doing here or what's going on right now or what these living statues are doing, but we've gotta get out of here." She trembles, then looks at the main entrance.

An odd thought washes over your mind. Looking at Raisin's blank expression, you feel a sudden sadness. You remember how happy and adventurous a filly she was... all the adventures you've been together on. You remember the exciting times of spying on a small, evil dragon and the calm times, eating a peanut butter jelly sandwich on the couch with Raisin, Scoots, and Sweetie during a fall afternoon. You remember how Raisin loves her little doll...

"...Rarity... could you do us a favor?"

"Not now, Applebloom, we've got-"

You cut her off. "Can you fix up Raisin's doll? I know this sounds weird... but..."

"You want me to sew up a doll?! Now?!!?" Rarity looks completely baffled.

"...Raisin's been in shock since she opened up that Golden Box..." You continue. "...if she had her doll, she might snap out of it." You give Rarity your irresistibly cute filly eyes.

She gets a certain hopeless expression. Scootaloo looks at you like you're mad. "Applebloom? What are you even saying?"

"...I'll do it." Rarity nods. "Where's the doll?"

You can hear the distant thuds of Tezel's massive hooves from inside the throne room. He sounds like he's humming that melody to himself.

Expecting the absolute worst to happen, the melody instinctively triggers you to take action. "Quick! Cover your ears! That song will make you go all loopy again!"

Rarity and Lyra look at you funny. As the song continues, they just stare at you. Sweetie Belle reaches into Raisin's saddlebags, handing her sister the doll. "Here... she's got a little damage on her shoulder..."

Scootaloo jumps up and covers Lyra's ears. "Sweetie! Cover your sister's ears!"

Strawberry looks a bit panicked as well. She starts breathing really fast out of sheer anxiety.

Rarity looks at Sweetie with a concerned gaze. She withdraws a small needle from her mane and starts stitching up the doll. Her expression looks purely hopeless.

Tezel sure seems happy in the other room. It almost sounds like he's dancing about.

You cuddle up next to the white pony as she sews the damaged little pony doll's shoulder up. She does a very detailed job, matching the old seams perfectly. You wrap your hooves around her sides as she works.

"Thank you, Rarity..."

She doesn't say a word, but you can feel a small whimper escape her lips. In a matter of moments, you feel Hayseed resting on your back.

"Do-Done." Rarity stammers.

Suddenly, you see the curtains to the throne room open up. Tezel is waltzing out with a bunch of treasure up on his back. His eyes are closed in content. Strawberry backs up further into the corner. Your group slides up against the wall, trying to get out of sight.

"I wish we still had those boxes right about now..." Scootaloo presses up against the wall.

You push the team toward the corner some more, trying to get as far out of view as possible. You're still visible from the hallway, however... you pray that the giant king keeps on bouncing his way out of the Castle and doesn't open his eyes.

Quickly, you hoof the little doll over to Raisin. She doesn't respond at first, so you force her to hug Hayseed. You watch her face, noticing her brows furrow ever so slightly.

"Well well... what have we here?" A booming voice reverberates off of your back. "And here I thought you'd all had run off on me to warn your precious little Princess that I was coming back for round 2." He laughs. "Ah, but I really must thank you all..." You turn around, now face to face with the gigantic golem king. "Without you, I might have lost The Adanemzurai forever."

He smiles devilishly.

"Please, let us go! Don't squish us! Please!!" Sweetie pleads to the king. Raisin sits in place, her forelegs wrapped firmly around Hayseed.

"Squish you?" The king belts out another round of laughter. "Why, whatever made you think I'd muddy my hooves in such a barbaric manner? I'm not going to squish you..." The giant head pulls back up. He towers over your group.

"WAIT!" You shout.

Tezel tilts his head with a coy grin. He raises one of his eyebrows. "I've got a little time to spare. Speak."

"Okay, we admit it. We lost. We failed. We couldn't stop your evil plans. We messed up... we're..."

"I get it." Tezel nods. "Continue."

"...I know you're not going to let us leave this Castle alive, so could you at le-"

"Oh, come now, child! I know that I may have stepped on a few friends of yours, but I honestly have no intention of mashing you into my beautiful granite floor. That's just so dirty." Suddenly, your group is lifted up into the air. "I'm going to crush you under the Titanio. You get to be my first victims!" He jumps happily in place. "Come! The excitement is killing me!"

"Applebloom... is this really it?" Scootaloo whispers as your team is carried out into the night air. You refuse to give in.

"Lord King Tezel... sir! Please, grant us just one last request!"

The King sets your team down on a large, flat rock. "Why certainly, my dear. What is it that you want?" He leans down. "And no asking for mercy. I know that's probably what you want, but I simply don't have any lying around to give."

Raisin is still hugging her doll. You look at her with deep concern. "...could you help my friend? I want to say goodbye to her..."

Tezel looks over the small purple filly. "...what's wrong with... Oh!" He chuckles. "Did she get curious with The Adanemzurai?" He pokes her in the forehead with his horn. Rarity pulls Raisin back. "My my... I'm amazed she was able to hold onto it long enough to do this..."

"...please..." You beg.

"Tell ya what, darling. When you see my statues start moving, your little friend here will come to. I'll give you a couple of seconds to say your goodbyes to one another..." He looks over the group with some sincerity. It feels extremely sarcastic. "...then you get to see what it's like to be crushed by a mountain."

"No... noooo...." Sweetie cries.

"Lighten up, little ponies. It's like... probably the quickest, least painful death I can possibly imagine. You'll like it, I promise."

The team follows your lead, resisting the temptation to badger the giant golem. "Alright, you ponies just stand here. Couple of seconds, I promise." He gives you a wink and starts ascending up the mountain.

"Applebloom... what are we going to do? You have a plan, right?" Scootaloo pulls you in close.

For some reason, this decision feels right. You look at Raisin, watching her hug her doll while Scootaloo hugs you. You feel the warmth of the other ponies around you as you hug upon the stone.

Suddenly, you feel yourself pulled away. In an instant, you are now looking at your group of friends from another angle. You can feel Hayseed in your hooves as warmth returns to your body.

Raisin is now in your control. A chill runs up your spine...

Not knowing anything about where you are, you jump over to your friends, clutching Hayseed tight against your chest. Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle's faces light up behind wet eyes. "Raisin!"

"What happennnnnnnneeeeeeeedddddddd" You start to ask a question, but time begins to slow. You watch as your friends start to fade away. You can feel a weight against the top of your head pressing down with incredible force. It seems to move against you no matter how much you resist. Your friends disappear. You feel your body suddenly become cold... then numb. You are surrounded by darkness.

...You can see a bright light. It travels your way. Your mother's voice echoes into the darkness. "Raisin... wake up, my dear..." Suddenly, you remember sitting by a warm fireplace with your mom and dad, stoking the fire with another log. You remember the smell of your mother's famous Grape Souffle over the fireplace, simmering in the cast iron kettle. You feel Hayseed against your cheek...

You feel the warmth of two forelegs wrapped around your neck. Suddenly, they push you back. Your vision starts to come back, a little bleary.

“Okay… soo… uh… now that you’re back on the ground, shouldn’t we go find Sweetie Belle and Rarity? They were supposed to wait for us.”

Spike scratches his chin. “Maybe they’re at the Boutique?”

You shake off your daze. You still feel a bit tired, but you're overwhelmed by the feeling of the morning sunshine. A peculiar, happy smile spreads over your face. Scootaloo looks at you, a little embarrassed. "I didn't mean to actually, you know... like, hug you. That was ju-"

"Spike? Do you know if Twilight kept any earplugs around?"

In his tiredness, he yawns. "Eh? Earplugs? Aren't we looking for Sweetie Belle and Rarity?" You tell him that finding a set of earplugs would be really helpful if you all would like to get some shuteye in a little bit. Scootaloo and Spike look very relieved when you mention sleeping. "That sounds perfect right about now..." Spike snaps to. "Right. Twilight keeps a pair of earplugs up in her room... I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you borrowed them for a while."

You start leading the way toward the Library, telling the team that you'll find Sweetie Belle in just a moment. Sure enough, as you expected, Sweetie Belle hops up and down in front of a town guard with a panicked looked over her face. The guard looks like he really wants to just get out of there.

"...how'd you do that?" Scootaloo asks.

You trot on up to Sweetie Belle. She takes notice to you almost immediately. "Raisin! Raisin! I lost her! I lo-"

You stop her with a warm, heartfelt hug. You're amazingly happy just to be alive. She suddenly stops panicking, accepting the embrace. "...are you okay?" Sweetie sounds a little concerned as she almost instantly chippers up.

"Raisin almost got turned into a street pancake by that stupid featherduster Sal-" Scootaloo is suddenly interrupted by your rear hoof. You plug her mouth up so that the guard doesn't overhear anything. Looking at the odd reunion of fillies, he whistles to himself before peeling away.

"I lost Rarity... I don't know where she went." Sweetie sounds a lot more calm now. You suggest that the team head into the Library.

"Spike, go get those earplugs. I have some research I wanna take care of."

Spike gives you a tired little salute. "Whatever you want, Twilight." He heads in, not realizing his name blunder. Scootaloo laughs loudly in her tired daze. "Read some books, Twilight!" She seems thoroughly amused.

While Spike goes upstairs to grab you Twilight's set of earplugs, you grab a piece of parchment off of Twilight's writing desk.

"Research, huh? Looks like you're writing a letter..." Scootaloo comments.

"Oh! Are you going to send another letter to Princess Celestia? What did you guys find out about Sally?" Sweetie Belle inquires, still a bit tired.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

It's your purple filly pal, Raisin. We seem to have a pension for trouble, but this may be the worst yet. There's a Griffin in town by the name of Snakeoil Sammy, or Sally as she's calling herself now. I caught wind that she's actually being manipulated by a King Tezel, who's off in a nearby desert. He's planning on using something called a Adanemzurai or something to wage war on everyone! It's a little black box, and seems pretty dangerous. Do you know anything about it?

Please, send help when you can!

~Raisin XOXOXO

P.S. Opening the box is a really bad idea, too. It keeps saying stuff like CONTROL.”

"...wh...what is this? Raisin...?" Scootaloo reads the letter over your shoulder. "...did you bump your head at all?" She hold up her hoof in front of your face. "How many hooves am I holding up?"

"We can't possibly be actually sending this... are we?" Sweetie Belle looks concerned.

"We are as soon as Spike gets me those earplugs." As you voice your opinion, Spike comes up from behind you.

"Here's those earplugs... you wanted..." He looks at Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. "What's up with you guys? Is Raisin okay?"

You roll your eyes. "Spike, send this quick. It's very import-" Scootaloo interrupts.

"Raisin, you didn't answer my question. How many?" She waves her hoof in front of your face again.

"Scoots, you only have one hoof." You glower at her.

"Okay. Just checking." She looks at you curiously. "So how come we've never heard anything about that stuff?"

You explain it away, saying that Sally spilled the beans while she was threatening you up in the air. You tell your friends all about 'what happened' and that you think you may have something kind of like Pinkie Sense; you've been getting 'hunches' about stuff, like where Sweetie was. You have a 'hunch' that Rarity may be in the town square, trying to buy more elixir.

"Oh my gosh! No! We've gotta stop her!" Sweetie Belle starts running for the door. Scootaloo steps on her tail, letting her hooves spin against the Library floor like a set of tires. The suspicious orange pegasus looks you over. "Wait a minute... if you're right, Raisin..." Scootaloo eyes you over. "...then..." She doesn't know what to say. "You know what? Let's just go see how right you are."

You roll the letter up and hand it to Spike. "Send this quick and meet up with us at the Town Square." You wink at him.

"Uh... alright." He looks the rolled up parchment over, then breathes his flames on it. In a wisp, the fire crackles off into the sky.

"The Princess is gonna be so mad you just sent her junk mail, Spike." Scootaloo shakes her head. "C'mon, let's go see if your Raisin Sense is working."

You head on out of the Library, following behind Sweetie Belle as she runs ahead. Navigating down a few alleyways, you eventually come to a small, busy town square. Colorful ponies are all around, buying food and making merry. A small crowd is gather out front of Sally's Stage.

"Hey! There she is! Rarity!!" Sweetie Belle waves her hooves around. "Rarity! Over here!"

Scootaloo looks on, dumbfounded. "...well... look at that. Dumb luck, yet again..." She looks a little impressed, but also slightly creeped out.

Pinkie is already up on stage, bartering with Derpy for her supply of elixir. Behind you is the food square, including your dad's grape cart. In front of you is Sally's Stage. To your left is the alleyway with the secluded tree at the end.

"Alright, here's the plan.." You spit the earplugs out of your mouth and hoof them over to Sweetie Belle. "Put these in Rarity's ears. This will help her focus, I promise."

Sweetie Belle looks them over. "Earplugs? Why didn't I think about this earlier?" She rolls her eyes. "Okay, what else?"

"Scootaloo, try to get some elixir off of Pinkie Pie. I know the stuff's poisonous, but I have a feeling we're going to need it."

"Another hunch? Okay, but just understand I'm not buying into any of that hocus pocus Raisin Sense stuff." Scootaloo nods, affirming to do as you've requested. You quickly explain that you're going to get them something to munch on for breakfast. "Yeah! Hey, you're my girl." Scootaloo gives you a flank bump before running off with Sweetie Belle into the small crowd of ponies. You turn around, heading toward your dad's stall. As you approach, you see a soft smile on his face.

"Hey there, Grapefruit. Weren't you over at Fluttershy's with your friends?" He gives you a curious look. "Not getting into any trouble now, are we?"

You sport the most innocent, cute smile in your repertoire. "Of course not!" You can feel the radiance of an angel halo hovering above your head. He gives you a suspicious look. "Riiiiight."

"Hey, can I get some grapes for me and my friends? We're all checking out that Snakeoil Show thingy and we didn't eat any breakfast..."

"..looks like you didn't get any sleep, either." He laughs a little. "Sure, take one of the smaller baskets over with you. Try to spread 'em around the square a bit; it's good for business." He winks at you, then slides a small basket your way.

Before you take off, you give him a big hug and a nuzzle. "Thanks, dad!" He pats you on the head. "Okay, now run along; go find your friends."

You start running back to the group, carrying your small basket behind you. You get a mouthful as you comb over the little group, looking for Sweetie and Scootaloo. Suddenly, you see a small purple dragon running your way holding a scroll. He looks wide awake.

You calmly wave the dragon on over. He dashes between a few sets of legs. He looks very worried.

"She responded almost instantly. Whatever you said must of got her attention!" Spike tosses you the letter. "Did you ask her about Twilight? What did you say? Read it!" He insists.

You unroll the parchment. It looks like it was written relatively quickly. There's not even a formal header.

You pick up the quill in your mouth.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Yes, I'm like 100% sure that's exactly what she said. Adanemzurai :O Well, I'm very sure that's what she said. What is it? :)

~Raisin XOXOXO :) :)"

You hoof the letter over to Spike quick. "Send this, please?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Alright, if you're good to go..." He inhales quick. Suddenly, something zips up behind you.

"OhmigoshokaysoIabsolutelycouldnotresistandImeanIhaveanextraoneonhandso-" Scootaloo starts rambling behind you. She jitters around a bit, giggling as she tries to speak. She's got a Peppermint Candy Cane shoved in her mouth. Pinkie is right beside her. "Would a Raisin like a taste?" She's all bouncy and happy again, offering you a Peppermint Candy Cane.

You're immediately concerned. This didn't happen last time. "Scootaloo, where are Sweetie Belle and Ra-"

The hyper little pegasus flutters up into the air a little bit. "Isawthembothheadonoutawayfr-" you stop her and boop her on the nose.

"Pinkie, where did Sweetie Belle and Rarity go?"

Pinkie scratches her chin, then slowly puts the other Peppermind Candy Cane she was holding into her mouth. "Oh! I saw those two start heading out of the square." Pinkie shrugs. "I think they went back to the Boutique!"

"...so... am I sending this?" Spike holds the letter, staring at you.

"Burn it up, comrade." You nod to Spike. In a wisp of green fire, the letter takes off into the sky. Pinkie makes some zip and zoom sound effects with her mouth as it flies up and away.

In the distance, you can see Sweetie Belle and Rarity making their way back to the Town Square.

Before doing anything else, you give Pinkie Pie a big, warm hug and tell her how happy she makes you. "Awww~~! You make me happy too, little Grape!" She embraces your hug, picking you up off the ground. She nuzzles into your cheek. The hug makes you think about how you hug Hayseed.

You lead the small group on over toward Sweetie Belle and Rarity. Rarity's eyes are focused, though she seems a bit confused about the earplugs. She points a hoof at them, then looks at you.

"No music, right?" You shout to her. She nods.


Sweetie looks fine. "I know better."

Your group is united for a moment. Spike suddenly coughs. A letter appears in thin air. Immediately, you snatch it up.


I've sent my sister Luna to retrieve The Adanemzurai. If you know where it is, please direct her to it. She will be in the Town Square within the hour.

~Princess Celestia, XO”