Not A Word (Lyraquest) Pa(...)06/29/12(Fri)23:12
No.2897350 LAST TIME
You got to spend some quality time with Lyra in the evening, learning about her family history and making plans for tomorrow. She got emotional in her father's study, and Lord Travis came in just when you were comforting her. After a probing conversation, it was time for dinner.
Dinner was disturbingly pleasant. Lyra's dad was stoic as ever, though you were certain something was on his mind; Lyra's mom took the cue not to pry and instead peppered you with the standard questions about your background and life in Equestria.
Lyra was sure to get the cover story out about your Downtown guild meetup, and even stood her ground when her parents objected to her visiting that part of town. Bonbon, however, seemed a little reticent.
It's morning, now, you've all had your breakfast, and you're waiting for Lyra to finish up her bath upstairs. Her parents have both left for work.
Are you in your room or another part of the house?
No.2897379 >>2897350
Our room.
No.2897386 >>2897350
yeah, i'm sure something was on his mind.
given how things have been going, i think it's best to wait in our room for lyra.
No.2897397 >>2897350
Our room.
We may simply want to let Lyra go alone. As much as I want to be there for her, you all know I (we all) do, we can't risk running afoul of her dad.
No.2897403 >>2897350
Our room.
No.2897577 You wait patiently in your room, alternating between attempting to appreciate the the filigree and inlays on the cornicing and staring pensively at the urban sprawl of Castletown, the darkened skyline of Downtown just beyond. There is a slow knock at your door.
"Hello?" Bonbon pokes her head in, then steps through, making sure to close it behind her. "Hi, I just... can we talk?"
She's wearing her saddlebags.
No.2897607 >>2897577
ugh. i knew she would show up. well, onward to another awkward conversation!
"What's on your mind, Bonbon?"
No.2897629 >>2897577
"What's up?"
No.2897639 >>2897577
Talk to her. Dis gon b gud
No.2897645 >>2897577
"Sure. Let me slip into something a little more comfortable."
No.2897657 >>2897645
God damnit Libido I thought you only posted in Rarityquest.
No.2897722 >>2897645
>Lyraquest ends in 3 way
>Get Lord Travis too
10/10 best quest of the year all years
No.2897775 "Hi, Bonbon. What's up?"
"I just wanted to ask about today. I didn't say anything earlier, and I haven't asked Lyra yet, but I was wondering if maybe I could, um, tag along? Even if I'd be left out of the conversation. I mean, I've visited this house goodness knows how many times and just, well, I don't want you two going Downtown by yourselves... and stuff."
She seems less composed than usual.
No.2897806 >>2897775
Ask if she really wants to hang around a bunch of unwashed ponies and a few unwashed humans all day. That's pretty much all the con is going to be.
No.2897821 >>2897775
oh fuck
good thought. try this.
No.2897845 >>2897806
The bronycon play. I like it.
No.2898015 "You really want to hang out with a bunch of unwashed gamers? Might even be a few—eurgh—smelly humans there." You do your best to discourage her. "Come on, they'll probably just be talking raid configs and char-ops. You're not into that."
"Well, I'd rather that than be all alone up here. And I'll be with you two. I promise I'll stay out of the way."
She hasn't moved away from the door at all.
Keep in mind that there is no real guild meetup, and you were trying to get Lyra away to the AEIOU.
No.2898046 >>2898015
You fucking asshole I hate you.
Alright you shitfucks, what the hell do we do? Is it time to spill it?
No.2898103 >>2898015
Fuck. FUCK. There's NO way we're going to be able to go without Bonbon now.
Maybe it's best to stall for Lyra at this point. We're fucked no matter what. Unless someone else has a better idea...
No.2898113 >>2898015
Tell her that we are glad she's worried about us and Lyra, but there is nothing to be worried because we'll be taking a taxi. After we say that look over our shoulders then, in a conspiratorial whisper, ask if she's gone to see the witch yet. It's not really our place to say, but she has some potions that a couple about to get married might enjoy.
No.2898118 >>2898046
No way. We're keeping that shit hidden as long as possible.
Maybe make up something like lyra was planning on picking up something special for her and coming along would ruin the surprise. ANYTHING but telling her
No.2898131 >>2898113
No.2898448 "Thanks for thinking about us, Bonbon, but..." After last night's encounter with Lord Travis, you feel you can hold your shit together as you usher Bonbon over to whisper to her. "Lyra had some special shopping to do for the two of you, you know? It'd ruin the surprise if you came along."
"O-oh, really?"
"Please don't tell her I told you. Actually, know what you could do, is go shopping in the bazaar. That witch down there might have a few things for discerning couples." You wink and playfully elbow her. "I'm sure Lyra would appreciate it."
"You know, I really don't appreciate you getting all up in our personal lives!" Bonbon huffs and backs off, but cools down quickly. "...but thanks. I'll take you up on that. I'll see you two in the evening?"
"Sure thing."
"Hey, what's up? You ready to go?" Lyra walks in, hair still damp from washing up.
"Just chatting. You go have fun, and stay safe." Bonbon retreats to Lyra, giving her a peck on the cheek.
"Don't worry, I called a taxi so we won't have to take one of the carriages."
Lyra's got her bags ready, and soon you're on your way Downtown.
No.2898636 Lyra make a sincere effort to go incognito, putting on a coat, hat, and muffler once she's in the coach. At least she has the excuse of it being winter.
The taxi puller doesn't mind wading through Downtown, though it looks a fright. There are camp-out enclaves and soapboxes everywhere, ponies and humans not so much debating as shouting at each other across police barriers.
Even a few blocks out, the AEIOU seems inaccessible to carriage traffic, with crowds constantly circling. "You may just want to get off here, ma'am."
"No, no, I'm fine."
"Meter's running."
"I said I can wait!"
No.2898669 As an aside, it seems this keyboard is wearing down, so my typing is unusually laborious tonight. I'll dig up a fresher one in the next few days...
No.2898677 >>2898669
>buy Model M
>outlives your next of kin
No.2898722 >>2898636
Sounds like a hell of a scene here at the AEIOU. I wonder how much closer the taxi is actually going to be able to take us. I have a feeling we're going to end up having to deal with the masses before we make it inside.
What is our inventory again?
No.2898813 >>2898722
[INTIMATE STAMINA] - boosts sexual energy
I doubt this would be useful to you in the current situation.
[KARMA JOLT x3] - get hints, inspiration from waifuquesters
Safety is not guaranteed. I have never done this before.
[TEMPORARY INVISIBLITY W/ AURA] - invisible, but glowy
No.2898876 >>2898813
>Temporary Invisibility w/ Aura
Hmm. Well, depending on how close the cab can get us, we might be able to use that between the two of us to slip inside the AEIOU through the chaos outside... But we don't know how long the invisibility will last.
Or do we just start kicking ass through the crowd and get Lyra there via brute force? Do we even lift?
No.2898954 Wait for the driver to find a way through.
Weren't these supposed to have a protected way in?
No.2899070 What's it gonna be, gents?
No.2899091 >>2898954
No.2899107 >>2899070
Well, I'm kind of wondering along the lines of this >>2898954
Lyra doesn't seem too keen on leaving the cab, and given the surroundings I don't blame her.
No.2899213 "Lyra, isn't there supposed to be another way in?"
"You still have your phone, right? Call them."
Lyra fumbles for her cell phone and makes the call.
"It's Lyra... One One Two One W A... I had a scheduled visit, but—no, of course I can't make it on time, you've seen how it is out here! There has to be another way in! ...No secret tunnels or something? Sewers? ...Okay, geeze, sorry I asked. What can you do? Uh huh. We're on the north side. Alright, thank you."
"They're sending a security team to the west emergency exit, that's the backside of the building. They won't open it til I'm outside. Nondescript orange door, but it's down the street."
You can wait here in the carriage or push through the crowd. The taxi puller is shouting at passersby shoving past him.
No.2899272 >>2899213
Wait here.
No.2899298 push through. Also fuck power outages and slow 3g
No.2899300 >>2899213
Tell the cab driver where we're headed. Hope for the best.
If we don't make much progress soon, we're going to have to get out and fight the crowd...
No.2899516 >>2899272
"Hey, driver, we're looking to get up on the backside of the AEIOU building. You think you can get us there?"
"Eventually—HEY I'M WALKING HERE." He loses a few feet of distance as another swell in the throng pushes past. One pony accidentally falls against your carriage, but quickly continues on his way.
"Lyra, I think we're just going to have to get there on our own. We can't wait here all day."
"I don't know if that's a good idea." Lyra instinctively curls her arms over her belly.
"I won't let them push you around. Give me your bags." You fasten them around your waist and promptly pay the cab fare. Stepping out, you lift Lyra into your arms, out of the way of most ponies bumping into your legs.
"Hey, don't drop me!"
You do look an odd sight in the midst of the crowd, but you're too focused on keeping Lyra aloft and not losing your footing to care about appearances. Roll for perception.
No.2899534 >>2899516
No.2899539 >>2899516
No.2899572 >>2899516
Rolling for seeing stuff.
No.2899726 >>2899534 >>2899539 >>2899572
4 + 9 + 2 = 15 vs DC 15
Barely made it!
A screech pierces the angry din, and you stop just in time to avoid getting toppled over by a very distraught unicorn. Rivulets of deep purple hair rush past you, shoving through the crowd when she isn't jumping to try seeing over the heads of taller ponies.
"Spike! Where are you, Spike!" Her fear and distress go unnoticed by the greater public, and soon she melts into the crowd. "Please, sir, have you seen a baby dragon, about this height..."
The orange door is in sight. Lyra shuffles a bit in your arms. "There should be a camera above the door. Get me up there before things get crazier!"
No.2899759 >>2899726
Let's get her up there.
I hope Spike is alright.
No.2899765 >>2899726
What the hell is Twilight doing outside the AEIOU?
Anyway, proceed to the door. Make sure the camera sees Lyra.
No.2899806 >>2899726
The fuck? Ignore her.
No.2900184 You spot a small black box over the door and lift Lyra up to it. She kicks the door while she's up there and shouts to be let in, but this draws the attention of passersby. The door promptly opens, a human and a pegasus pony in black security uniforms quickly ushering you in. You push Lyra inside first, and the pegasus closes the door behind you just as curious (and furious) onlookers rush the exit. Lyra tries to ignore their banging on the door.
"Sorry, Miss Lyra. We weren't expecting this level of attention." Another pegasus, in a white coat, greets you from the stairwell. He's also followed by a human partner, a woman, also in white. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, thank you. Uh, you are...?"
"Bromide Shot, pharmaceuticals. And this is Andrea Fox, human specialist."
"I thought I was going to see Equus?"
"He's... been unable to reach the facility." Dr. Fox clears her throat. "Some of our staff have been staying away since the trouble began, but we're working on locating a new obstetrician just for you. Let's get upstairs, for now."
Soon you are led upstairs to a quiet, empty room with a simple table and chairs, where the doctors take their seats.
"Ah, is he supposed to be here...?" Bromide looks at you, but Lyra looks down and just mumbles.
No.2900200 I'll be ending this session in 1h20m, sorry for the delays.
No.2900224 >>2900184
"Yes I'm supposed to be here."
No.2900229 >>2900184
"Yes, I'm supposed to be here."
No.2900232 >>2900184
"I am, actually."
No.2900248 >>2900224
Did I just doublepost?
No.2900265 >>2900248
Either that, or I did.
No.2900631 "Yes, I'm supposed to be here." Your response is met with only more confusion.
"He's the father." Lyra straightens up and reasserts herself.
"Oh! Yes, of course. I'm sorry, we don't have all of Equus' notes. This whole case has been kept hush-hush even internally." Dr. Fox invites you all to take seats, but remains standing with a clipboard.
"Sit down, Andrea, you look imposing." Bromide pushes a seat out for her with his wing.
They ask some basic questions about time, expectancy, changes in Lyra's health (morning sickness but one of many), and if you yourself engaged in any behavior that may have introduced magical elements to intercourse. The thought of your biology somehow being magically augmented never even crossed your mind, but Fox quickly apologizes. You think the doctors don't know what they're talking about, but this is to be expected; the entire scenario is completely alien and no one knows what to expect.
No.2900747 The AEIOU facility is currently poorly equipped to handle medical cases, but with things as they are, administration is highly loathe to outsourcing to hospitals due to the risk of a leak.
Fox lays it out for you thus: "The Union is an independent, nonpartisan group funded by academic and corporate cross-world interests. We have a wealth of developing technology and the cutting edge in combined human and Equestrian knowledge. We feel it would be best if both of you were to stay here in a specially-prepared secure facility where you will have complete comfort and privacy and access to the best—only—hybrid medical care."
Bromide kneads his brow, looking a little queasy. "If you choose to leave today, we will disavow any knowledge of your case."
No.2900781 >>2900747
It's not going to be easy to find an excuse to stay. We promised Lyra's father we'd stay away from her.
No.2900782 >>2900747
Goddamn, this session man. These choices...
Time to discuss with Lyra. She's the one carrying our child.
No.2900826 >>2900781
True, but it's only a matter of time until it can't be kept a secret anymore. Everyone is gonna know.
I kind of suspect that he knows already.
No.2900828 >>2900747
Tell him it won't be possible for either of us to stay. Is there any reason aside from the mobs that we can't just come and go?
No.2901014 "Is there any specific reason we can't just come and go?"
"Safety. We can't predict when, or if, the protests will dissipate."
"And if they did?"
"Administration wants this case to be kept entirely secret until we have conclusive results." Fox avoids eye contact with you.
You ask to discuss this privately with Lyra, and the doctors leave the room. Even though you feel like you're still being watched, you huddle up with Lyra. She looks very tense, breathing slow and controlled.
"I... I don't know what to do, Anon."
No.2901055 >>2901014
Neither do I, Lyra, but we're in this together. I promised not to leave your side, and I meant it. Sooner or later, our secret is going to get out. Right now, I'm just concerned with your safety and health.
Oh god, what the fuck do we do now
No.2901080 >>2901014
Ask her how her parents and Bonbon would react. There's no way we can stay here without them finding out.
No.2901372 "Neither do I, Lyra." You have difficulty considering all the variables in the situation. "How would your parents and Bonbon take it? The secret's going to get out eventually, sooner if we stay here."
"I honestly don't know. Dad's always so calm. I can't imagine how angry, or how heart-broken, he'd really be. And mom, well, I always told her I'd adopt." Lyra squeezes out a laugh and a teardrop. You catch it in your palm and straighten out her hair. "Bonbon... I'm sorry."
"Right now, I'm concerned with your safety and health."
"Should we really stay here? They're going to lock us up, by the sound of it..."
No.2901548 >>2901372
She has a point. No one on the outside really knows what happens in here and this place has important people from both Equestria and earth. Even if they do let us go they might keep the baby.
Ask her if her parents and friends in Ponyville would stick with her through this. We can't do this on our own.
No.2901573 >>2901372
Ugh. We don't really know much at all about the AEIOU. About how we'll be treated. How trustworthy of an organization it is.
Seconding this.
No.2901643 Have we ever considered abortion before?
No.2901657 >>2901643
Get out.
No.2901798 "I don't really trust these people, either." You hold her close, whispering to each other now. "We can't do this on our own. You still have friends and family on the outside... folks you do trust. They may not be cutting edge, but they care about you."
"Even after what I've done?"
"The shame, the guilt... that will pass. But our child is here to stay."
Lyra calls for the doctors to return, and they sit down, quietly waiting for her answer. She puts her hoof in your hand, and you squeeze it tightly throughout the next minute of her talking.
"I want what's best for my child. I realize I have no idea what that may be, but neither does anyone else, even the Union. Whatever happens, I'd rather be surrounded by ponies I know will do everything in their ability to take care of me. I'll take my chances outside the AEIOU."
[end part 10]
sentenal01 !NROjboqzdY
No.2901860 >>2901798
Thank you for the quest tonight!
No.2901870 >>2901798
Thanks for a rather intense session. I hope Twilight found Spike.
No.2901887 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UUDTmuwB
Ending session here, a little earlier than usual. Hope y'all had fun. What are your thoughts on the quest overall, the directions it's taken, and everything else? How does it compare to other quests, if you're familiar with them?
No.2901946 >>2901887
The AEIOU encounter didn't happen like I thought it would.
Did we miss an opportunity with Bonbon at the start of the quest?
No.2901959 >>2901887
It's definitely taken an interesting turn to say the least. It's been a >fun ride so far. I think your writing is pretty good, and you've definitely built up one hell of a conflict for us to navigate and resolve.
No.2902028 >>2901946
No missed opportunities there. I have no idea how you'd get Bonbon in bed at this point, but honestly, I think you have bigger problems to deal with. I'll think about it for future sessions, though if you guys do decide to scheme something up (and agree on it), well...
How did you think the AEIOU encounter would go?
I wonder if anyone thinks is still a waifuquest. It never was.
No.2902081 >>2902028
>I have no idea how you'd get Bonbon in bed at this point
How should we have done it?
No.2902089 >>2902028
Nah, never thought of this as a waifuquest. Still enjoying each session, and looking forward to the next.
No.2902095 >>2902028
I thought the AEIOU would be a bit more friendly and a bit less secret-gevernment-laby.