/mlp/ - Pony

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Quest archive and previous threads: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28501521/GeneralArchive/CelestiaQuest/CelestiaQuest.html

Previously on Celestia Quest:
>After hearing from Silver it was likely safe to enter the town, he leads you and Celestia to the doctor's house. The doctor asks you a few questions, wondering if he should let you in to see his patient, who you discover is indeed Rose. He lets you in and you speak with Rose, though she doesn't seem ecstatic about your decision to find her.

You take a deep breath. It wouldn't do either of you any good to start arguing. "Alright, alright. I get it. Don't expect any coddling from you." Looking out the window, you ask, "Why is it you're always trying to hard to be disconnected from the emotion of the situation?"

"Do not mistake my demeanor for a disconnect. It is merely a result of my knowing how to control my emotion; knowing where and when to use them."

Celestia returns, that same weary smile on her face. Rose and you both turn to her.

"It seems Silver has already fallen asleep on the couch in the living room. The doctor said he'd be fine there for the night." A mighty yawn escapes and she blinks in surprise at herself. "Oh my. It must be my bedtime as well." She picks a corner near the pile of Rose's belongings and lies down. "You should find a spot, too, traveler. Tomorrow will likely be just as long as today was."
>>12225066 (OP)
Pick a spot and sleep.
>>12225066 (OP)
Find a spot near Celestia.
seems a bit public, maybe we should try somewhere else
Yep, sleep somewhere on the other side of the room.
You walk over near Celestia and pull out your bed roll, testing it after laying it out. It's pretty comfy, even if you are sleeping on the hardwood floor. Rummaging through your pack, you try to find your blanket, but after about a minute of searching, you can't come up with it. Frowning, you look around the room, hoping it might've fallen out, but it's nowhere to be found.

"I was sure I brought a blanket."

"Can you not find it?" asks Celestia.

"No, and now it's gonna bug me to no end."

"I'm afraid I did not pack a blanket myself, but if I may offer an alternative...?"

She unfurls a wing, gesturing to the floor next to her. Just like last night, huh? Well, it worked pretty well then.

You glance over to Rose, who's watching you with a touch of interest. Now you feel like you're on some kind of stage.
I don't even care anymore, Anon hasn't slept in a while, blanket or not if I was in his position I'd just want sleep.
Lay down and get some sleep.
We've got a big day ahead of us.
After giving it a moment, you realize you're having a very hard time caring what Rose thinks. It's been a long day, and you're tired.

"Are you sure? Isn't it uncomfortable at all to sleep with your wing out like that?"

"No, not at all. In fact, I'll feel much better knowing it's doing some good. Come." She gives you a little nudge with her magic and you give in, bringing your bed roll over to her side.


Lying down, you find yourself once again embraced by the cozy heat of Celestia's wing. As you get yourself comfortable, Celestia scoots over and pulls you close. She's much better than any blanket. The steady, gentle rhythm of her breaths calms you, letting you unload all the stress of the day like throwing a pack off your shoulders. You find your own breaths slowing as drowziness overcomes you.

Just before you fade into sleep, you hear Celestia mumble something.

"I wonder how long it's been..."


You feel a tingle on your head and you try adjusting yourself to get away from it. The feeling disappears for a moment but comes back just the same. You move again, but again it follows you. Finally you swat at it, and your hand makes contact with something. Whatever it is, it's rather large and moving. Probing at it, you try to figure out what it is, but can't tell without seeing it. You open your eyes.

Celestia is chewing on your hair.


You jerk your head back freeing yourself from her muzzle. At the same time, your cry shocks Celestia into opening her eyes, her wings twitching as she comes out of the daze of sleep. Even in her surprise, though, she somehow makes it look graceful.

"What happened? Did I wake you?"
"You were trying to EAT me!"
No, I'm sorry, did I hit you?
I was evidently having a dream though I can't recall it now.(lie)
these two contradict each other. Which one should I go with?
Don't lie. She'll probably get a good laugh out of it when you tell her.
I'd rather lie and go back to sleep without making a scene.
>go back to sleep
but isn't it morning now?

it is morning
Roll a d10 or something.
But I still vote for telling her.
Oh, well in that case, just say that you think it's time for breakfast.
Still don't mention it.
why not? she'll probably find it funny
Rolled a die

"You were trying to EAT me!"

"What?" Her wings flare outward.

"Yes. You were chewing on my hair."

"Chewing on your--" Celestia licks her lips, testing her mouth. A second later her eyes widen. "Oh, dear me."

It's rare you get to see her so flustered, so you can't help but grin, holding a hand over your mouth to suppress a giggle. Celestia sees your smile and breaks into one of her own.

"I should've brought my seasonings! You taste awful raw."

You can't hold your laughter back any more, holding your stomach and leaning on the bed to keep from falling over. Celestia joins in as well, though her chuckles are softer, more 'refined,' almost--if laughter could be refined.

"It's not often I'm caught acting so silly. I hope your hair is still all there."

You pat your head. "Nah, it's fine." It feels good to have some time away from conflict, especially with Celestia. She seems to know how to make everything relaxing, not to mention her sense of humor. In thinking this, you realize you've made a real connection with her in the short time you've been in Equestria. Sure, her saving your ass when you first showed up helped, but she was also the first one to accept you, she was willing to forgive you when you lied about your arm, and the night under the stars was the first real break you'd had in a long while.

Regardless of anything else, you're glad she came along.

"Should we get some breakfast? Or was there something else?" she asks.
Breakfast sounds nice.
Get Silver and Rose and let's have some breakfast.
Also maybe Rose will know where all the rebels/guards who were left behind went/were taken.
We'd better get some rations into her, if she's THAT hungry.
See if we've woken Rose.
"We should probably eat, if you're really THAT hungry."

Celestia blushes, but nods. "That sounds like a good idea."

You both grab your packs. Rose is no longer in bed; she must've slipped out before the two of you woke up. Heading downstairs, you find Rose and Silver in the living room with the doctor and three other ponies, all pegasai. You don't recognize any of them, but they seem oddly familiar. Maybe they're the doctor's other patients? You're not exactly comfortable with all the staring, though.

Celestia comes up behind you, greeting the room. "Good morning! How is everyone?"

The doctor mumbles something about 'the damn princess of the morning', Rose reports "fine," and Silver says he's fine as well through the food ration currently in his mouth. You and Celestia take a seat and pull out your rations when one of the other pegasai speaks up.

"We want to come with you."
See if Rose will vouch for them, and find out what Celestia thinks.
That's for Celestia to decide, don't open our mouth unless directly asked to.
You're curious as to their motives, but stay silent for now. This is Celestia's decision.

"And what brought you to that decision?" she asks.

The speaking pegasus didn't seem entirely confident, but spoke up nonetheless. "Well, after you visited our town, and we heard that speech, we started thinking about a few things. And when the Stampede came here asking for our help attacking your camp... no pony really wanted to go. Dusty Wing was really shaken up about it, but he told them off. We... well, we want to help, and we think you're the one who should be leading us."

"Hmmm." Celestia takes a bite from her ration, chewing as she mulls over their request. "Rose?"


"Do you have anything to say about these ponies?"

She looks them over and you can swear you see them shiver in fear as her eyes pass over them. "They're fighters. From here, trained by the Stampede, and stationed here to protect from potential dragon attacks. I bet the Stampede wanted them back when they found a new enemy. At the very least, I don't think they have the guts to lie to you."

A glowing review from Rose. One of them looks like they're about to faint.

Celestia delivers her decision, her face and tone passive but gentle. "I do not think you should come with us. It is one thing to refuse to help our enemy; quite another to outright aid us. Your villiage needs you to help with the dragons still, and you may bring more upon them by leaving. However," she says, glancing at you, "I have learned it is best that I allow the ultimate decision with things like this up to the individuals. If you still choose to come with me, I will find a place for you. I only ask you take my advice into consideration."

She takes another bite, looking out the front window as she chews. You wonder what exactly is going through her head right now.

"You usually have opinions about these sort of things, don't you? Why don't you speak up?" Rose asks you.
I'm hardly a soldier, much better at judging intentions than fighting prowess.
I'm sure Celestia is more than happy for their help.
Well, the dragon thing was a valid point. The village needs capable ponies to defend it in the event of an attack.
That being said, Celestia's forces have been reduced to a fraction of their initial size. They need all the help they can get.

How long has it been since the last dragon attack? Do they occur with much frequency?
"I'm hardly a soldier, much better at judging intentions than fighting prowess. Given that our forces are rather small, I'm sure Celestia is more than happy for their help. Though, I suppose the more relevant piece of information is how often these dragon attack occur."

"They come here very rarely anymore, after--"

Rose slaps a hoof over his mouth, continuing the answer for him. "They don't really come here any more. That said, I would think the dragons are not unaware to what is happening here. If they know the Stampede is moving its forces, they'll probably also know some towns are undefended."

That's not exactly encouraging.

You look at Celestia, wondering how she's reacting to this information. What you see, however, is not what you expected. Her eyes are wide, mouth gaping open and she's holding her breath. Something's got her attention.

"We must leave. Now."

"What is it?" you ask as she gets up.

"My sister has initiated another teleport. We need to go to where she is now and find out why."
Alright, let's go.
And get the pegasi to come with. I want to find out what Rose tried to keep us from hearing.
She's been keeping things from us the whole time. We failed to remember to ask her about the names she was called when we were alone.
The Guardian is turning the tables against us.
oh shit I forgot about that
Not bragging about being famous in the militia seems reasonable enough to me for her character; she's proven she's skilled and we knew she'd trained in the militia, and that'd be all she'd have felt the need to say.
This is definitely interesting.
>This is definitely interesting
Meant to say that the thing she's hiding from us that has stopped/lessened the dragon attacks is interesting.
A weapon? An agreement?
If they're coming, make sure that the pegasi have either let their families or friends know they're leaving, or get them to leave word with the doctor.
No time.
Can we at least get their names?
I mean, if they didn't inform anyone before they came here, make sure that they get the doctor to inform their closest. There's time for them to tell the doctor who to inform, and he'll probably know already given smallish village doctor.

Also this.
"Then let's get going."

Silver, Rose and you all get your packs ready. You shovel down the rest of your breakfast, rushing to keep up with Celestia as she makes her way to the exit. The pegasai who came to join your party don't know what to do, awkwardly watching as everyone else gets ready to leave.

"Uh, Princess, did you want us to come or not?"

"You heard my decision. It has not changed."

The three exchange glances, as if looking for the others to figure out what to do. You don't have time to wait around for them, though. Celestia's already out the door with Silver, so you follow right behind them. Rose comes out last.

"Come," says Celestia, offering her side to you. Rose raises an eyebrow at you while you hop on, but says nothing.

You hardly have time to secure yourself before Celestia takes off with a lurch. She hits the same pace as yesterday and holds it, only this time she's heading for the mountains.

"Keep up! I'll lead you to where my sister teleported everyone! It's just over this mountain range!"

Turning around, you find Silver and Rose close behind, both nodding to confirm Celestia's instruction. Much further back, you think you can make out something else, but you can't be sure. You squint, but before you can tell what it is, Celestia passes the first mountaintop and the specks disappear from view.

A harsh blast of cold air hits you full in the face, sending a shiver down your body. This is going to be fun, you can tell.
Buckle down and rough it, we've got to get there.
"Celestia, I think we're being followed"
Those are the pegasi who asked to join us.
Oh right sorry, I can't into comprehension
I guess shut up and wait to reach where Luna is
Keep our eyes and ears peeled as best we can for anything untoward.
You buckle down, holding Celestia tight. You don't know how long this flight is going to last, but you're going to have to deal with this cold whether you like it or not. Goosebumps run up your arms as your teeth chatter from the chill.

You take another glance behind you and find those specks had grown larger. There are just two of them, definitely pegasai.

"Looks like we've gained a couple ponies."

Celestia turns around at that, making note of the ponies behind you. Rose and Silver follow suit.

"I was hoping they would stay, but it does not appear so." Her eyes shift from them to you and her breath cuts short. "My goodness, you're freezing! Why didn't you say something?" Her horn glows and and you feel a warmth spreading throughout your body. At the same time, the wind buffeting you vanishes. "Better?"

"Yeah, thanks."

Glad you no longer have to worry about the cold, you keep your eyes and ears peeled for the ride back. Celestia certainly doesn't let up on her speed, but the pegasai behind you find a way to keep up. In about an hour, you're well clear of the mountain range and already descending.

The landscape holds a stark difference to the area you just left. There's not a tree in sight, but rather long, uneven hills of rock and dust. A shade of red stains the ground, rocks poking up above dried dirt and sand. You see the camp in the distance well ahead of time.

Celestia comes in fast, but lands with poise, slowing her approach just before hitting the ground. You dismount, following her as she searches for Luna. Silver and Rose land with two similar thuds behind you, followed shortly by the two new pegasai from Withers.

"I'm going to find my sister and get an update. You can stay and get to know our newcomers or stick with me."
It may be a better idea to just stay, the longer we interact with her especially, the worse things will get for everyone around us.
Go with Celestia, we need to know why Luna authorized that teleport
That and on the way we can check on the rest of the camp
What state is the camp in?
Does it look like there was serious combat, and were there any more bisected tents visible when we were flying in?

I want to go and make sure Celestia's OK, but if we're accepting the two new pegasi into our ranks, we're going to have to let the other guards know they're here to help, and get them organized for quarters and rations. Though I suppose Silver might be able to do that...
Also, >two new pegasi. That means that one of them stayed behind in the village.
You stick with Celestia for the moment. Inspecting the camp, you see most, if not all of the tents from before made it. Even the half of the supply tent you raided earlier is here. There are several injured ponies lying on the ground, being attended to by medics. The princess' tent is in the same condition you remember it. All in all, things are looking surprisingly good, given that Luna had to teleport the camp again. You wonder why she chose to move here, though.

Before you enter the tent, you put a hand on Celestia's back and hold her back. "Are you doing okay? This can't be easy for you."

She replied with a smile. "Since when has being a princess ever been easy?"

Inside the tent, Luna looks up and smiles upon seeing Celestia. "Sister!" She runs over, giving Celestia a hug before guiding her up to a table in the center of the tent. Around the table are the Elements and Steady. There's a map on the table, with what you assume is the new location of the camp and a few other marks.

"We do not know how we were found by our enemy, but they began their attack this morning. Had I not been awake, and had one of our patrols not been in a very lucky position, they would've taken us entirely by surprise. Through our fortune, I initiated the teleport just as the first wave hit us, allowing me to take the entire camp along."

"Again, princess, I'm sorry--" says Steady, but Luna cuts him off.

"There is nothing to apologize for. You were worried for my well-being. I should've been asleep, but we should simply accept we were lucky enough that I was not."
"Was anyone hurt in this attack?"
At least Celestia is back.
We can't have her leave with us somewhere again, she's needed here.
>There are several injured ponies lying on the ground, being attended to by medics.
Not saying you shouldn't ask the question, just pointing out that bit in case you missed it
I thought that maybe that was from the previous attack?
That attack happened yesterday.
"Do any of the ponies need medical assistance?"
*"Serious medical assistance"
"Was anyone hurt in this attack?"

Luna looks up, pausing, as if noticing you for the first time. Steady slaps a hoof on your back in a silent greeting and you nod back to him.

"No. The injuries you saw outside are still from the previous attack. It is my hope we can have everyone up and moving by tomorrow."

"How many injuries are serious?"

"Just the ones still being attended to. That's five out of our twenty-one soldiers."

You nod. That's good to hear. Luna must not have been exaggurating about their luck, then. To get away with such little time to spare? Very fortunate.

"I have my own plans for our next move, but I would like to hear what you are considering first, sister," says Celestia.

"We need to find their base and Twilight, and we need to do it now. It's almost certainly in the Badlands, but it would take a long time to survey the entire area. Therefore, I suggest one of two actions. The first: I use the Worldshard to scan the entirety of the Badlands in search of Twilight's magic pulse. She's an alicorn, I should be able to pick it up from any distance. Second: we go to the most likely base of operations for our enemy. The entire camp. If we're incorrect, at least we're staying on the move, though moving from location to location in this fashion would be a slow method of searching the area."

"And the scan would give away not only that we know where they are, but also our current location--assuming they have unicorns alert and able to sense that sort of thing," says Celestia. "You suggestions are sound, and I agree: we do need to hasten our search. We could also try sending teams of pegasai out to scout like we did before. They found Withers and the Worldshard that way."

"Yes, but we have so few ponies left, and if we must teleport while the scouts are away, they would not know where to return to."
We haven't checked our compass in a while.
Check and see if it's pointing to anything in particular or at least not broken.
"Well, we've got two more now."
Tell her about the pegasi from Withers.
What are those markers on the map? Did you already have some ideas of where to look?
"Well, we've got two more now."

Luna looks up to you, curious.

"Two pegasai from Withers wanted to join us, so they came back with us."

"Withers? Why were you there?"

Celestia proceeds to explain the journey to find Rose, briefly touching on meeting the scavenger in the old campsite, the flight to Withers and the doctor's house. The entire table listens in silence and when Celestia finishes, Luna nods.

"They will be useful. We'll need to get someone to get their names and assign them to a captain."

You dig into your pocket, subtly pulling out the 'broken' compass. At the moment, it doesn't seem to be pointing to anything in particular; the pointer is wandering back and forth in lazy circles. You stash it away. No need to show it off to everyone.

Leaning over the map, you point to one of the markers. "What are these? Did you already have ideas of where to look?"

"Yes," says Luna. "And knowing our enemy is after the Worldshards and not in the swamp, there is one place he is almost certainly based at." Luna coughs. "Perhaps I should rephrase that. There is an obvious location for his base, though he may be avoiding it due to how obvious it is. He may also be hoping we do not know he is after the Worldshards, yet."
Where is this obvious location?
And how many other potential locations do we have marked?
how do we know they're not in the swamp?
"Where is this obvious location?"

Luna points to one of the markers. "The Scales. Just northwest of Red Rock Hightower."

"And how many other potential locations do we have marked?"

"For now? Just two. The rock fields north of The Scales and Red Rock Hightower itself. The rock fields are full of nooks and crannies, some rather large. They could hide a base in one and it would take a thorough combing of the area to find. The Hightower would be a good place as it's elevated and any attack could be seen from a long ways off."

"And how do we know they're not in the swamp?"

"Before you arrived, we'd been scouting the swamp for days. The day after you showed up was the last day of scouting. We've mapped out the entire swamp and there's no place they could be hiding there."

You stare at the map, trying to soak in what you can. The Scales must be related to the Worldshards somehow if they're thinking he's camped there. The distances don't look too difficult to manage for Celestia, but you're not so sure about the rest of the soldiers, espeically if everyone is travelling together and they're not all pegasai.

"Sorry, I know it isn't exactly my place to speak up, but I would like to mention something."

Celestia, Luna, you and Steady all turn to the speaker--Rarity, who looks like she's about to melt under your collective gazes.

"Please, Rarity, say whatever you wish. I know this search means a lot to you as well," says Celestia.

"Well, I just can't help but think that Twilight may have left us a hint of some sort. She is a very clever pony."
"A hint? What sort of hint?"
Now seems like it would be a good time to ask about the circumstances of her kidnapping. We don't actually know about those yet, do we?
Please explain.
"A hint? What sort of hint?"

"T-that's just it. I don't know. But I feel like she'd cast some inconspicious spell, or leave a sign, or somehow lead us to where she is in a way her captors couldn't trace or stop." She frowns. "Assuming, of course, she did indeed get that chance. I may be creating falso hope here, but I couldn't stay silent about it."

"No, Rarity, it is good that you spoke up," says Luna. "It's possible that Twilight may have left something for us, but we should move forward as if she has not. We can't rely on something like that without more than a hunch." She makes eye contact with everyone in the tent. "We should, however, keep our eyes and ears open for anything. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie: you all knew her best. She may have left something only you would find or understand."

If Twilight really did leave a sign, you'll have to give her serious credit. Had you been in her situation, you'd probably done nothing so clever. Which leads you to wonder...

"How did Twilight get captured in the first place?"

The question puts a visible damper on the room, but Celestia still answers.

"It was a triggered spell. A simple thing, hidden inside a book Twilight was only too eager to read. It was my fault, I should've told her the dangers of her new station earlier. I should not have put off training her for so long. She opened the rigged book and it teleported her away, covering a vast distance not usually possible, but triggered spells can be charged with a massive amount of magic. It took a full day before anyone even realized she was missing. Taken from her own house with nothing more than a flash."
There's no one else living with her at the library?
What was the book?
we never did figure out where the unicorn shard went, or if it's inside us or whatever

if it IS inside us, maybe we can use it to detect Twilight's alleged hint. if it's magic-based, that is.
Speaking of which, when we were talking about it a few session back Smut mentioned in his posts that we never actually found out which shard it was that brought us. I'd assumed unicorn for some reason, but there's another one that would be more thematically apropriate for summoning a creature from earth.

Also, maybe bring up the compass here. I don't see how Twilight could have played with it, but it has been acting strangely compared with how it's supposed to function on our world, but it's clearly pointing to specific things sometimes. Maybe it could be used somehow.
The only idea I had for the compass was that perhaps if it only pointed to Celestia then we could lend it to the scouting parties should the camp have to move.
They could use it to find their way back, though I think the compass wigging out the first time was Celestia's doing anyway.
"There's no one else living with her at the library?"

"There was, but he didn't see the actual event. He only heard it and figured Twilight had teleported off on her own. It wasn't until late that night, when she didn't come back, that he suspected something. By then it had already been over sixteen hours since her disappearance."

"I don't know, probably titled something enticing. The actual text would have been nothing more than runes designed to hold the triggered spell in place."

You shift you line of questioning to something else just as important and a note of personal curiosity. "Where is the Unicorn Worldshard? And the Earth Pony one?"

"I do not know the whereabouts of the Earth Pony Worldshard, though my guess is that our enemy already has it. The Unicorn is almost certainly in their hands, as I was unable to find it and bring it along in our haste to escape the ambush we ran into when you first came here."

So the Unicorn Worldshard was her barganing chip. Shame that didn't work out. "Do you think Twilight may have tried using the Worldshards to get a message to us?"

"That depends on whether or not she knows what our enemy plans to do with them. I would venture to guess they have not told her. She likely doesn't even know they're involved in this."

"I am sorry to interrupt your questions," says Luna, laying a hoof on the map, "as there is a lot of valuable discussion going on, but I would like to speak with my sister in private before we continue. Could you give us some time alone?"

Steady and the Elements nod, making their way out of the tent. You turn to follow them, but Celestia yanks you back into a hug, squeezing you tight before letting you join the others. Blood rushes to your face in surprise as she brushes her cheek up against your own. You can almost feel her heartbeat through the contact. "Thank you," she says.

Now outside the tent, you can see Steady and the Elements walking off on their own, as well as Silver chatting with the newcomers. Rose is walking around, giving everything a mildly critical glare, probably thinking to herself. You almost feel like sticking around to eavesdrop, but that would be rude.
Go talk to the pegasi from Withers.
See if we can wring that info out of them that Rose tried to keep us from hearing.
Most definitely this.
Might as well get to know the newcomers. Besides, they may know something about Rose that she hasn't told you. You walk over to where they're talking with Silver and greet them. Silver lifts up a hoof for a high-five and you smack it, then introduce yourself to the new ponies.

"Hi," they say, nodding to you.

"You're pretty good at giving speeches," one of them says. "I'm Softwind. This here is my brother, Steelwind."

"Pleasure," says Steelwind.

"You two still feel pretty good about this, even after seeing the camp?" you ask.

"Eh, it was never about how strong one side is over the other. If that was the case, we'd never have come here," says Softwind. His brother pipes in with an agreement.

"So," you say, squatting down to their level. "You were about to mention something when Rose cut you off. Do you think you could let me in on what you were about to say?"

Silver perks up, curious as well. The brothers look at each other, then back to you, smirking at the question. Did you say something to amuse them?

"You're asking us to go behind THE Victory Rose's back and tell you something she clearly didn't want us to say?"


"I'm sorry, dude. I like you and I'm glad to be here, but there is nothing in this world or Tartarus that would convince me to go behind HER back. Besides, she's got ears like a bat. She can probably hear us right now." He shrugs. "Maybe you could ask her?"


That's all for today. Next session same time Wednesday.
Thanks mate
Back to pony hype.
Thanks for the session, as always. Was surprised we managed to run so well today with the show events going on, but I guess if anything that probably meant we had more people around to join.

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