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SmutAnon !iSmutguyss Celestia Quest! Thread 5 06/01/13(Sat)13:00 No. 11042472 Old threads and pastes can be found at the bottom of this paste: Previously on Celestia Quest: You
were tossed into a fight between Celestia and a group of unicorns.
After the fight, you met Luna and four Elements in their camp. You get a
sling for your injured arm and rest. Next day you meet with Celestia
before she leaves for the day. You chill with Silver Shield and Steady,
the princess' guards, and get your arm healed, against the doctor's
orders. You're now talking with the Elements. You acknowledge
Rarity's statement with a nod before continuing. "These element things,
how do they work? How might they get me back home?" Rarity puts a
hoof to her mouth. As she considers her reply, Pinkie climbs up your
back and latches onto your head in one fell swoop, nuzzling your hair.
You almost protest, but decide she deserves a little leeway. You did cut
her song short, after all. "Hmm. Again, I am no expert, but from
my observation, the Elements balance out chaos and other things that,
hmm, 'do not belong,' I suppose is the best way to put it. They focus on
five specific character traits embodied by their holders and focus the
power inherent to them through the sixth holder, Magic, or Twilight, in
our case. If used on you, I would imagine they would right whatever
imbalance sent you here." "Oooh, you sound just as smart as
Twilight!" Pinkie pipes in. You can't help but smile and pat her mane.
She pushes her head into your hand, relishing the touch. "Me? As smart as Twilight? You must be exaggurating." Rarity says from behind a blush. "Ohhh, um, hi," a soft voice peeps up from behind you. Turning around, you find Fluttershy entering the tent. Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)13:05 No. 11042561 hello yellow pony what news bring you from the far reaches of space Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)13:08 No. 11042607 >>11042472 (OP) Say hello to the new arrival.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)13:08 No. 11042611 suddenly i ejaculate everywhere, drenching everyone in my hot semen Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)13:08 No. 11042614 >>11042472 (OP) "Morning Fluttershy. What's the good word?"Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)13:09 No. 11042625 >>11042472 (OP) >She pushes her head into your hand GIVE HER THE Petting Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)13:18 No. 11042778 First
time I've been around when this was on, just reading through the past
sessions now. Might not be active until I know what's what, but +1
person following along, I guess. SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)13:20 No. 11042803 >>11042607 >>11042614 "Morning Fluttershy. What's the good word?" She slinks away from you, shuffling along the walls of the tent to keep her distance until she makes her way to Rarity's side. "Um,
well, I was just checking on a family of birds. They're concerned about
the camp here, and almost flew off but I told them it was okay."
Looking away, she blushes. "But you're probably not interested..." "Nonsense. I just asked because I was interested." Even
though you're carrying a conversation, it still feels like Fluttershy
is terrified of you. You squat to her eye level, hoping to ease her
fear. Pinkie hops off your head, but pushes up against your side and
nudges your hand with her head, almost like a cat. You grin to yourself
and pet her. "I was just telling our visitor here about the
Elements," says Rarity. "Pinkie is Laughter, I am Generosity, and
Fluttershy here is Kindness. The other pony you've met, Rainbow Dash, is
Loyalty." Magic manifested through virtues—sounds like something straight out of a children's book. Fluttershy scrounges up the bravery to scoot forward and tap your elbow. "It's not hurt anymore? If you don't mind my asking." "Yeah, it's doing great now. A unicorn fixed it up. Thanks for your concern." A call comes from outside. "Hey, tall guy! The princess is awake!"Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)13:21 No. 11042829 >>11042472 (OP) "Wait, did you say six? But there's only five of you, counting Twilight. Who's the sixth?"Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)13:22 No. 11042838 >>11042803 "Well, duty calls. I'd like to talk to you all again sometime, though."SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)13:39 No. 11043081 >>11042829 "Wait, did you say six? But there's only five of you, counting Twilight. Who's the sixth?" Pinkie's
the one to answer this time. "That's Applejack! She's Honesty. She
wanted to come, but couldn't. Her farm is really busy this time of year
and coming with us would've hurt the family business. I miss her." "It's
quite unfortunate she couldn't come. I'm sure you would've liked her as
well," says Rarity. "It just doesn't feel right without all six of us." Maybe you'll get to meet her later, when this mess is all over.>>11042838 Giving Pinkie one last pat on her mane, you stand up. "Well, duty calls. I'd like to talk to you all again sometime, though." They all nod to you, saying goodbye, as you turn around and walk out the tent. Steady is standing right there, waiting for you. "Let's hurry over. I don't know how long Silver will last before collapsing into a pool of awkwardness." You
shoot him a grin and hurry over to the princess' tent, ducking inside
just behind Steady. Inside, you find Silver and Luna facing each other
before turning to you and Steady. Luna is without her royal garb, though
her mane is just as pristine as it was the day before. It kinda gives
you the creeps. "Good morning, your majesty," says Steady with a bow. You follow suit. She
greets the two of you in kind, then turns back to Silver and opens her
mouth to talk before freezing. Slowly, her head turns back to you, eyes
locking on to your now-healthy elbow. [cont]SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)13:39 No. 11043091 >>11043081 "Has it healed so quickly? I thought the doctor said it would require at least a day. Or is it I've slept entirely too long?" Steady and Silver both look to you, then each other, then back to you. "Doctor? Why'd you ask us to have it healed then?" asks Steady. Shit.
Luna is growing visibly perturbed at this new bit of information,
though she maintains her composure for the most part. "Silver, Steady,
thank you for watching me, but it seems I'll need to have a talk with
our new friend in private."Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)13:42 No. 11043139 >>11043091 Aw crap...Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)13:43 No. 11043143 >>11043091 "See you in a moment, then." Wave at Silver and Steady with the bad arm.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)13:47 No. 11043215 >>11043091 ...uhh, I can explainSmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)13:59 No. 11043362 >>11043143 >>11043215 You gulp, hoping nobody heard it. Should've known Luna would notice that. "See
you in a moment, then," waving to Silver and Steady as they walk out.
Steady simply nods back at you, but Silver looks... disappointed. Ouch. "Come
take a seat," says Luna, moving a chair in front of her. You walk over,
head held high, and sit in the pony-sized chair. It's awkward, but it
works. Luna puts her jewelry on with magic, giving you a sidelong glance
as she does so. From where you are, she's actually looking down at you. "How
many ponies did you lie to about your arm?" The questions comes out so
cold you swear you feel goosebumps rising on your skin. "Just... just Silver and Steady." "Do you realize exactly why I'm so... annoyed with your actions?" "I think so." "Then tell me." "Because
I'm new here and I shouldn't be giving you any reason to distrust me.
Because the doctor is the authority on medical decisions and I went over
him." "Hmmm. Those certainly do contribute, but they are not the main reason." You
wipe your brow, finding sweat on it. Odd, you don't feel warm at all.
It's a damn icebox in here since Silver and Steady left. "Um..."Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:01 No. 11043398 >>11043362 "Because if things had gone wrong, I would have caused Celestia even more stress than she already feels..."Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:05 No. 11043458 >>11042472 (OP) Is this on purpose, OP? Why is there text over your image?Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:06 No. 11043469 >>11043362 "Because you'd rather I stay around the camp? You don't think I'm ready to help the others?"Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:15 No. 11043613 >>11043458 Huh,
good spotting, Anon. Checking the /mlp/ archive for OP's image shows
that edited version's only been used for CelestiaQuest OPs, so looks
like SmutAnon's made that edit. ...Does it say "LIAR"?Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:17 No. 11043646 Awww shit, I finally catch one of these threads Brb, catching up on all the shit I've missed Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:17 No. 11043652 >>11043613 it says pony Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:18 No. 11043660 >>11043613 >Checking the /mlp/ archive for OP's image link?Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:18 No. 11043668 >>11043458 >>11043613 >LIAR >getting called out for lying I've got a bad feel about this, Scoob.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:19 No. 11043689 >>11043660 Was
thinking for a minute perhaps he'd just made the edit so he could
easily find the threads by this method, but then I noticed what it
looked like it was saying. SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)14:20 No. 11043702 >>11043398 "Because if things had gone wrong, I would have caused Celestia even more stress than she already feels..." Luna
sighs, shaking her head. "No, though I appreciate your concern for
her." Her tone shifts back to anger. "It is because Celestia requested
you go to the doctor, I took you to him, and you still decided to act
how you saw fit instead of following our judgement! If you are to work
with us, then we will need to know you are not insuboridinate and worthy
of our trust! I don't know what customs are like where you're from, but
here, we obey our superiors! Do you understand?" You drop your head. "Yes, Princess." "Good.
Now, since you once helped my sister when she was in need, I am willing
to let this go without punishment. But you will find no further quarter
from me. Go outside and wait." She turns back to her things, looking
through papers, likely trying to figure out what she needs to do for
today. You feel like you should say something more, but Luna
doesn't seem like she's in a talkative mood, at least for you. She's
right, too. Might as well just take your losses and go. With a heavy
heart, you get up and walk toward the door. Luna says one last thing
before you leave. "I suggest you apologize to the ponies you lied to. I do not order you to as a princess, but rather offer it as advice."SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)14:22 No. 11043724 >>11043458 >>11043613 I'm glad someone noticed. You may need this as well. Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:23 No. 11043762 >>11043668 The image has been used since session 3, way before we lied. I think it's referring to someone else.>>11043724 What's that?SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)14:25 No. 11043794 >>11043762 An image I used last thread. Since it 404'd, there's no way other to get to it. Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:27 No. 11043821 >>11043702 Take a quick glance at her ass, then head off and apologize.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:37 No. 11043993 >>11043702 Yes, lets go do that.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:37 No. 11044002 >>11043762 >What's that? Opening
it up in a hex editor (or Notepad), it looks like it's got some extra
data appended to the image after the end of file marker. Not
quite sure how to use it, though. There's too little data there for it
to really be anything but a small bit of text, I think. Looks like it
might be a filename?Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:38 No. 11044019 >>11043724 >>11043794 someone check that pic for hidden messagesAnonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:40 No. 11044042 >>11044002 oh great. more weird mystery crudAnonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:41 No. 11044060 >>11044002 It's a tripcode, obviously. !OFTb3euP8I 06/01/13(Sat)14:42 No. 11044072 >>11044060 Err, a trip password, excuse me. Let's find out.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:42 No. 11044086 >>11044072 Guess I'm wrong.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:47 No. 11044172 >>11043762 >The image has been used since session 3, way before we lied. For reference, session 3 in thread 1: Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:56 No. 11044343 Is OP dead? Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:56 No. 11044344 >>11043762 >>11044172 now I have an even WORSE feel about this!Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:57 No. 11044375 >>11044002 but where would we append said filename?SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)15:01 No. 11044434 >>11043993 You
exit the tent and get a face full of sunlight as the sun continues its
downward descent. You shield your eyes with a hand, looking around for
Steady and Silver. Steady stands right next to you, though he's more
concerned with his guard duty than greeting you at the moment. Silver is
a bit further away, patrolling. "Hey, uh, Steady. I'm sorry I
lied to you. My arm was just holding me back, and there was just no
meaningful way for me to help while I'm injured like that." He
raises an eyebrow at you, considering your apology. "You know, I ain't
even mad at you. I guess I could be, but right now I'm more frustrated I
didn't catch it. And while I may not know you all that well right now, I
think your lie is exactly the kind of thing you would do. I said you
got spirit, kid, and I wasn't exaggerating. Sometimes too much. I think
it got away from you there." You breathe a sigh of relief. At least you hadn't alienated both of your companions. "Silver looks like he isn't very happy with me." Steady
shakes his head. "No, he ain't. But what'd you expect? He's young,
looking for friends and companions, people passionate about the same
things as him. You come along with all your gusto about savin' the new
princess right after kickin' flank with Princess Celestia, and he 'bout
fell in love. Then you lie to him? Yeah, it ain't gonna be easy
apologizing, but something tells me that won't stop you." Nodding, you put your hands in your pockets and walk toward Silver.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)15:02 No. 11044455 >>11044343 Maybe. He's been making a scarily consistent 20 minutes between posts all thread, and now it's been 40 minutes. Perhaps he's waiting for some more detailed plans? Who do we need to apologise to, if we're going to? (I'm the guy who's still catching up, got distracted digging through images)>>11044375 Haven't the foggiest, at this point. No extra data on LIAR.png or the first thread's OP that I could see, and I checked fn9L17Rx.png in all the RQ dropbox locations just in case. Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)15:04 No. 11044493 >>11044434 Apologize and be honest about why you did it.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)15:04 No. 11044512 >>11044434 "Hey,
uh Silver, sorry for lying to you, but you have to understand that with
my injury I felt like nothing but a burden to you ponies, I had to take
a risk to get it healed so I could help get Twilight back. I hope you
understand."Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)15:05 No. 11044533 >>11044434 Let's go apologize and hope he understands.SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)15:23 No. 11044845 >>11044493 >>11044512 Silver
looks back at you only long enough to give a withering glare before
trotting off. You have to jog to catch up to him, but eventually you do. "Hey,
uh, Silver, I'm sorry I lied to you. Please understand that with my
injury I felt worthless. I couldn't sit around all day doing nothing for
the cause so I took a risk and had my elbow healed. I want to get
Twilight back, and I can't let something like an injury stop me when
there's a way around it." He continues his patrol, huffing at your apology. "Fine. That's fine." "It won't happen again. Luna made sure of that when she chewed me out." "Good. I'm glad. Sounds great." "I like to keep being your friend, Silver." He
stops, lowers his head, then turns back to you with a grimace. "I
understand why you did it. I might've done the same. But you're
apologizing because you think I don't understand. The problem is that
you didn't trust we'd see things the same way, and that your being
healed was more important than my trust. 'Sit around all day doing
nothing'? What is it you think I do? Just because your stupid arm is
injured a day or two doesn't mean you can't help. Try thinking about
other ponies some time." Again, you find yourself speechless.
There's nothing to say against that, nothing that wouldn't anger him
further. "Alright. Alright, I will." "Great. I have a patrol to
finish." With that, he trots off. You follow him with your eyes until he
turns behind a tent and you can't see him any more.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)15:25 No. 11044890 >>11044845 Lets go back to guarding with Steady and feel like shit for awhile.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)15:28 No. 11044941 >>11044890 Seconded. Go back to guarding shit with Steady, feeling like shit for a while Or alternatively, go and find Pinkie to cheer you upAnonymous 06/01/13(Sat)15:30 No. 11044990 We're
coming clean when Celestia gets back, right? She'll probably hear it
from Luna eventually anyways, so it might as well be from us. Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)15:33 No. 11045035 >>11044941 I think it's best to be where we're supposed to be right now.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)15:33 No. 11045044 >>11044990 Yeah, I guess Though I doubt her reaction will be as bad as Luna's Holy fuck that pony overreactedStill best princess though SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)15:43 No. 11045220 >>11044890 >>11044941 You
trudge back to the princess' tent, looking at you feet on the way
there. Silver would probably forgive you in time, but you'd ruined your
reputation with him. If you're going to work with him, things might be
difficult for a while. Maybe the reason Luna didn't punish you is
because she knew you'd already punished yourself. You cringe at the thought of Celestia returning. "I could hear that from here," says Steady. "Yeah? I guess I deserved it." "Maybe. Probably. But he's a tough kid, and smarter than he looks. If you're really a good guy, he'll come around." "I hope so. I'd be awfully awkward working with him if that wasn't the case." "You're
a nearly-6-foot-tall alien creature in a world full of ponies a little
more than half your height. I'm sure anything you do will be awkward." You
smirk at his attempt at a joke. Things seem pretty bad right now, but
they'll improve. Besides, you can't let all these things distract you
from the ultimate goal of saving Twilight. That's really what's
important. You pick up your chin and put your hands on your hips.
Steady's still you bud, right? He'll help you make up with Silver.
Things will be fine. There's a rush of wind, and suddenly the
very p0ny you dreaded to meet was standing right in front of you.
"Hello, traveler! How was your day?" Crap.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)15:44 No. 11045250 >>11045220 'Hey Snow White! So, uh, how was the scouting?' Smile awkwardlyAnonymous 06/01/13(Sat)15:45 No. 11045274 >>11045220 Fuck. Well, time to confess our sins.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)15:48 No. 11045323 >>11045220 "Princess, I've got something to tell you that aren't going to like. I'm sorry."SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)16:11 No. 11045734 >>11045250 >>11045274 >>11045323 "Hey
Snow White! So, uh, how was the scouting?" You give your best smile,
but your face conflicts your actual feelings. You hope you can at least
start this conversation off on a positive note before disappointing
Celestia with your confession. Somehow, it works. She lights up
like a Christmas tree. "It may be too early to say, but I believe we've
found something! We'll have to wait until tomorrow to explore more
thoroughly." Walking up to you, she leans in an whispers, "Steady wasn't
being too much a grump, was he? I know how he likes to break the new
ones in." Glancing over to Steady, you reply, "No, he was great. Guarding went fine." "Ah!
Excellent." She looks at Steady. "Why don't you rotate, relax for a
bit? I'm sure you've had you hooves full with this one." "With pleasure, princess." He takes a bow and leaves. A knot catches in your throat, but you know you have to go through with this. "Princess, I've got something to—" "Just
a moment!" Celestia flares out a wing and turns around, nibbling on it a
second before turning back to you. "Goodness, that one has been bugging
me for HOURS! Now, what was it you wanted to say?" Sweat drips
down your neck, and it isn't from the heat. "I've got something to tell
you that you aren't going to like. I'm sorry." "Sorry?" She cocks her head. "What for?" [cont]SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)16:11 No. 11045751 >>11045734 "I
kinda had my elbow healed by magic, even though the doctor—the one you
told me to see—said not to." You lower your head. Seems you've been
staring at the ground a lot today. "Luna already chewed me out, but I
guess you'll probably want to as well." You don't know what Celestia's
face looks like right now, but you don't want to know, either. Silence drapes over the scene like a blanket for several seconds before Celestia speaks. "Is the elbow okay?" "A-as far as I can tell, yes." "Do you recognize why your action was wrong?" That sounds like a familiar question. "...yes." "And if I go into my tent to speak with my sister, she'll tell me that she lectured you and then you apologized?" "Yes." "Then
I see no reason to reprimand you. I want you to put things right, but I
also do not wish to humiliate you. I expect you're doing that to
yourself quite well enough right now, correct?" "Yes." Looking
at the ground, you're unable to see Celestia descending upon you until
you're completely wrapped up in a hug, wings and all. "I told you to see
the doctor in the first place because I was worried about you, but I
also respect you are not my subject and do not necessarily need to
follow my wishes. Next time, however, I would prefer you speak to me
about such things, instead of trying to solve them on your own." [cont]SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)16:12 No. 11045768 >>11045751 You stand there, paralyzed, on the verge of shivering. "Hug me back, traveler." Without
a moment's hesitation, you embrace Celestia, pulling her in and resting
your head against her neck. It feels like a great weight is lifted off
your shoulders, knowing Celestia, at least, isn't angry with you. Back
when you first lied, you never expected things to spiral out of control
like the did, but now you feel as if you've gotten at least a little bit
of peace back. Maybe you're the only human out here, but at least
you're not alone.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)16:17 No. 11045838 >>11045768 Thank her for being so cool about the whole thing, Celestia knows it could've gone so much worse Ask her what the next course of action is, try to do all of this while still hugging for extra d'aww factorAnonymous 06/01/13(Sat)16:20 No. 11045875 >>11045838 Wait, scratch that, hugging for that long could be awkward as fuck, end hug and ask what next course of action isAnonymous 06/01/13(Sat)16:21 No. 11045902 >>11045768 "Thanks Celestia."Offer to help if she ever finds those wings bugging her. SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)16:34 No. 11046100 >>11045875 >>11045902 You
give her an extra squeeze before releasing the hug and taking a step
back. Now with the courage to actually look at her, you lift your head.
Celestia smiles at you, hiding her incredible age behind a youthful
visage. Now that you think about it, Celestia is the only pony who's
basically at eye level while you're standing. Your stature doesn't
intimidate her just as hers does not phase you. You wonder how she
feels, always needing to look down on her subjects. It doesn't seem like
the kind of thing she enjoys doing. "Thanks, Celestia. I needed that." "Of course. A princess should always be able to understand the trials of others. It makes for excellent princessing." For
the first time since Luna's lecture, you crack a genuine smile, almost
giggling at Celestia's quip. "What's the next course of action, then,
now that you've found something?" "With the day coming to a close
soon, I've decided to bring the scouts back. Tomorrow will give us time
to explore what we've found and search other areas. I would like you to
come along. Before I say anything absolute, however, I'll need to talk
with my sister." She lowers her voice. "Has she been doing well? I know
she misses Twilight." There it is again. It seems like sometimes these two never even talk to each other. "Yes, she's fine." "Good.
I'd love to chat with you later. When Steady's replacement returns,
you're dismissed for the day. Try not to get into any more trouble." [cont]SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)16:35 No. 11046110 >>11046100 Nodding,
you give her a salute as she enters the tent. It's not long before the
replacement guard comes and you finally get a chance to rest. Standing
around all day is more tiring than you thought it'd be.[I'll have to end it here. Got things to do. See you next time!] Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)16:38 No. 11046178 >>11046110 Operation: Gotta Get Some of Dat Sunbutt is a go Thanks for the thread OP, things are getting good...when can we expect the next one?Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)16:39 No. 11046203 >>11046110 Ah, thank goodness. Was just thinking I'd have to head to bed. Thanks for the session! Next time is next week?SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)16:42 No. 11046248 >>11046178 That
depends. The only other time I really have for questing in the middle
of the day (here, at least) is Sunday, but I wouldn't want to do it two
days in a row. If people are able to participate in threads that happen
around 7pm UTC-5, I'd like to do another one Wednesday. If that's not
possible, then same time next week.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)16:45 No. 11046307 >>11046110 thanks for the session!Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)16:46 No. 11046309 >>11046248 Cool, so if not Wednesday, next week thenI wish you could do them more often though, I love these types of stories SmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)16:48 No. 11046352 >>11046309 Me
too. The problem is mostly with giving people enough warning and
posting at a time where both euros and americans can participate. Plus, I
have a job and other hobbies that eat up almost all of my time on the
weekdays. Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)16:49 No. 11046371 >>11046248 I could make Wednesday, though I also don't mind waiting until next week if that works best for the other players.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)16:50 No. 11046388 >>11046248 does wednesday around this time work? You ran it a bit too early for me todaySmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)16:52 No. 11046426 >>11046388 Wednesday around this time I'll be at work. 7pm UTC-5 would be 7 hours after the time I started it today.Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)16:52 No. 11046432 >>11046248 I can do wednesdaySmutAnon !iSmutguyss 06/01/13(Sat)17:00No. 11046581 I
will say next session is Wednesday (7pm UTC-5), then. I probably won't
be able to go another 3.5 hours like today, so it'll be a shorter
session and you won't miss out on too much if you can't make it. Next
session after that will be same time as this one. - futaba + yotsuba - All
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