/mlp/ - Pony

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Questing resumes at 7PM PDT (eta 30min from post)

Thread opening thirty minutes early for questions and discussion. Post quest-related questions and feedback about the game system, story direction, and more.


they are lost forever

if only there was a brave hero who saves quest threads

who can save us from this entropy?
>>12647567 (OP)
we need to scratch behind brae's qt ears at some point today. that is all.

>>12647567 (OP)
well shit, I won't be able to make it
I'll be here in spirit
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I've been putting together a GDoc to store some of the meta information, including current skills, inventory, and character notes.
Have a gander: goo .gl/035do
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We're starting up in a minute or two.

As a reminder, most rolls will be 4 (or 8 for Skill usage), and count as successes with a roll of 7 or higher.

Femanon's skills are:
Arms: Using Equestrian guns comes easily to you.
Badge: Use the authority of the Law to make your point.
Wanted: Use understandng and intuition to spot bad guys and misbehavior.

Cover: Find hiding places, vault low obstacles, and take cover behind objects.

And you have the following items in your inventory:
Wristmasher (6 shots, gold)
Gold Potato - basic ammo
Red Potato - high accuracy, slow ROF
Sweet Potato - trick shots
Dog Prints - paw prints of Jester and the Stranger
Strange Feather - not a pegasus, probably a griffon
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You and Braeburn hoof it on over to the Salt Licker, a local saloon that serves intoxicating refreshments to locals and travelers alike. While a legit entertainment venue and unfairly large for a town this far from Equestrian borders, it's become a second home for vagabonds and ruffians.

With his huge presence, it's relatively easy to spot the Stranger in the far corner past the bar, flanked by shady-looking contemporaries. They're far from the only nonponies in the bar, though, and your suspected griffon could be any of the five you can see (and that's just on the first floor).

Braeburn is scuffing his hoof against the floorboards, and looks about ready to push straight on through the crowd for the Stranger, though.
Go ahead and make your choices.
Disregard stranger, get shitfaced on salt and apple cider.
Have a look at our feather and compare the plumage to those of the griffons we see.
calm Brae down. Don't need a brawl unless as a last resort. Ask ponies that aren't with the Stranger if they've seen a griffon that might have been the owner of the feather you have.
You'll need to get a closer look at each individual griffon (not real close, but like a face-to-face conversation) to get a better read on them.

You try asking a nearby pony and he quickly dismisses you. "You think I eye up every low-life that drags his rump through this hole? Git lost."

Your presence is drawing attention, and you don't even know who's on the second floor loft. The Stranger looks up from his game of cards but otherwise disregards you.

"Best way is straight through, I reckon." Braeburn nudges you and nods towards the Stranger. "Judging from what I've seen, he'd probably know something about all this."
Check the loft.
We don't want to rile up our large friend and his cronies.
of course he'll know something. But if we just tell him all we know, he'll have the upper-hand in information. We can't straight-up ask.

See if the bartender knows anything. Also, is there a second level to this place? Might be cronies up there, too.
"Keep your britches on, Braeburn. We can't go starting a fight just yet."

Straightening your hat, you pass by the barkeep, Corky. Familiar enough face, but due to his usual clientele he's never particularly warmed up to you. You get the feeling he stays polite only because of the Sheriff, whom he's known for longer. "We got all sorts around here, deputy. I just handle the bar, I don't do the seating."

You continue on to the stairs and arrive in the second level, filled with more tables and chairs and salty desert denizens of all stripes and limb counts.

You can use Wanted to roll 7 dice and scan the crowd. You're at a disadvantage because you're attempting to spot the suspect at a distance.
Roll 'em.
scan the crowds
roll it
This is a roll
And another!
And yet one more
And yet another!
Out of 7+1 rolls, you had 4 successes. You guys roll too well. Maybe I should tweak the system further?

You notice that the feather has a peculiar striation to it, one that matches a particular griffon leaning on the rail and keeping an eye on the crowd below. He probably saw you come in and is playing it cool right now. You should do the same—there's no telling what's under his coat.

"If you're sure you found him, we should take him down right here and now." Braeburn is figuratively chomping at the bit.
I feel like taking the guy down in the bar is a bad idea. We'remight be respected enough in the area that we could pull it off, but you can never know for sure how a dehydrated pony'll react, not to mention the possibility of him having allies in the crowd.
On the other hand, I don't think we can exactly just wait for him to leave.
Anyone got any ideas?
goddamn, Brae, you like doing everything with force, don't you? We're still outnumbered, assuming the Stranger is with the griffon. I say Brae should go up to the Stranger, chat for a sec so the griffion isn't watching us while we sneak up behind him and point the gun to his back, asking him to come with us. Don't tell him we have evidence, yet, though. If he knows we have something on him, he'll fight for sure. Make him think we don't know everything.

Shoot him in the wing if he tries to get away. We can chase him if he runs, but not if he flies.
"Let me handle this guy, Braeburn. I don't think he's with Red Eye, unlike that dog downstairs."

"...If you say so. Holler if you need a hoof." Braeburn gets the hint and turns back down the stairs. If he cocks it up, you'll likely be too occupied or distant to help.

You don't get very close to the griffon before he turns his head and looks you square in the eye. "I've got eyes, kid."

His forelegs are crossed on the banister, and a telltale click shows a masher on one claw hidden just beneath his sleeve, pointed in your direction. "I don't mean to pick a fight, but it won't be me you're after. You've bigger problems heading your way."
don't turn around. he's probably trying to get you to turn around.
Ask him what he means.
"What sort of problems?"
"Don't think I can trust an Off-worlder like you to understand." The griffon glances down to the first floor. "You sure you should let that colt out of your sight?"

You hear the loud crack of something wooden.
Look at Breaburn.
You lean over the railing to get a look at the commotion downstairs. Patrons are already clearing off from the corner, and it looks like a chair's been snapped in two.

"Hey, you have to pay for that!" Corky whines, but is otherwise sounding pretty helpless.

"Put it on my tab," the Stranger adjusts his coat. "Now, Marshal, I'd be perfectly willing to settle this like gentlemen, out-of-doors. My associates and I are certain we can come to an agreement."

"I'll break more'n a chair if you're pulling my leg on this one." Braeburn is all fire and guts right now as he very slowly and cautiously paces towards the doors.
Go downstairs.
wow, Brae is like a little kid, isn't he?

As much as I want to help, this griffon is our only concrete lead. I bet if we leave, we won't see him again. Ask him to try you. See if we don't understand or not.
What's it gonna be, lady? Time for me to flip a coin?
I'm going to bed so do what >>12652806 said.
>quest is ded
Maybe I should just hold off on this one, there's a combat section coming up.

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