>>502511They turn to each other.
Diamond starts "Puzzle, you know why I am here. I have aided you many times in the past, and now I need yours. This donkey is growing beyond our control."
He nods towards Chill. "Surely the arrival of Mr. Chill shows how serious this matter is. He has considerable resources and he won't stop at me."
Puzzle looks over. "But why couldn't you nip him in the bud, while he was still small?"
Diamond snorts "This rat was never "small". He suddenly was here and he suddenly had a legion of henches to do his bidding."
Puzzle smiles slyly. "Seems more like you haven't been keeping watch of your territory."
Diamond gives him an icy look and opens his mouth…
"Gentlecolts" interrupts Chill "Let's not fight amongst ourselves now. We all want to get rid of the donkey, me included. But there is more than just killing him. Somepony gave him the reources to do this, we need to find out who."
Diamond nods. Puzzle coughs "We have a common interest in getting to the core of this. I propose we assemble a team to infiltrate Javiers operation and get to the bottom of it."
The 3 nod. Diamond seems relieved.
Chill points to the masked pony.
"Allow me to introduce my contribution to the team. A true professional. Nopony within Javiers operation will be able to stop him."