/mlp/ - Pony

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<In which ponies and peer into the abyss.

To catch up, the previous sessions are located here:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/GeneralArchive/RenneQuest/RenneArchive.html >
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You sit down for a moment to catch your breath. It only takes you a few seconds to realize just how terrible you feel. You've been feeling progressively more out of touch with things, the coughing getting worse every time you travel to the spirit world. You feel absolutely exhausted, both physically and mentally, not quite sure how you've managed to stay on your hooves as long as you have.
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You tell Saffron that it's finally time you investigate the upper floor. As you ascend, the voices begin to come back, like the trickling of a stream. Before long, it is an ocean of cries and screams. You muster up your wits and press on. The cold feeling from before begins to leave your body, but not the numbness. You stand before what once was the skull door, Saffron wrapping a paw around your shoulder. The entrance of the doorway seems to shift and move, pulsing with the beat of the temple that pounds in your head.

Head up, I guess.

Float the torch in first and keep Saffron close. Avoid touching any of it.
>You have some important decisions to make.
i only want to move forward if we're certain that's what we want to do
is there anything else that needs to be done?

I think we should wait. It's almost certain that DP is up there, and we haven't figured out the password of the second tumblr yet.

Unfortunately the only things we can do in the meantime require us to use spirit power, which we don't have much left of
do you think sleep would help?
We're already on borrowed time, I doubt waiting will help us in any way.

There's one way to find out, but >>6545266 is right.

I'm also interested to see what kind of dreams we might have.

How long have we been awake? It's so hard to tell.

It MIGHT do us some good to rest a little and recover what strength we can, but do we have the time, is the real question.

Also, will DP be able to see into our dreams?
I wish we'd slept way earlier when things weren't this dire. Our dreams might have been able to help us.

Maybe they can help us now.

I still think it'd be better to keep moving.

Maybe Saffron could carry us on her back?

Well... I've given all the input I have. I'm not sure really on one side or the other. We also still have that option of experimenting with the daggers.
when was the last time we checked our inventory?
Let's just go in. We keep stepping around this. I can't help but feel we really can't progress any other way.

We still do have time. The golem can't be near the mainland yet. Once it reaches its destination we'll be forced into action, but until then we still have options.

So the dagger we freed from the chair is the one that has a "presence" in it. It might be connected to whoever Baldwin made a pact with. I don't think either of our characters have touched it physically yet. I'm up for experimenting with it. Anyone concur/have suggestions on how to proceed?
Well, we could lodge the dagger into our skull and see what happens
I'd leave that as a last resort for now.
You guys are really bad at sarcasm.
what if the protected dagger with the "presence" is his phylactery and the one lodged in his head was a dupe?
Chronicle fell for it

It was more like a key than anything, and it definitely held some power. We saw him stab himself with it while he was still alive so it held some purpose. Probably to tether him to his position at the throne.

I think if either of our characters touch/interact with the "active" dagger, it should be Renne. That way we'll be able to see what happens and Saffron can probably take care of us if we black out.
so what's the verdict guys?
dagger-touching, resting, or going up?
We need consensus on an action to move forward. I'm against moving into the Mind just yet, I think that will be a major fight. We should exhaust all our options before then.

Touch the dagger? Can we agree on that?
i could go with dagger-touching
Gah, thread 404'd while I was asleep, Ah well, doesn't matter too much I suppose

Alright. Try not to cut ourselves in the process, and let Saffron know just in case something funny happens.
Touch the dagger first then move forward?
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You tell Saffron that before you go, there is one last thing that you want to do. You pull the dagger out of your saddlebags. She says nothing, a haggard, but worried look crosses her face. Her mouth forms the words and though she remains silent, you already know what she's saying.

Be careful, Renne.
unwrap it and touch the handle

poor Saffron. We put her through so much...
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The dark metal and obsidian gleam in the torchlight, the flames flickering and dancing off of the ruby set in the handle. You motion slowly with your hoof to touch it. As you do so, you feel a tiny zap pass from the dagger, and pull your hoof away. You immediately feel a roiling, angry presence captured within the dagger in the short instance that you made contact. The markings along your hoof and forelimb ache.

>angry presence

Oh jeez. I guess that rules out trying to put this thing in a body. At least until we know more about what's in there.

Only things left to do are sleep, or enter.
If we do sleep, definitely do it in shifts.

Good idea. If there aren't any objections, I think a little rest is a good idea.
who sleeps first?
and where are we sleeping if that stuff is growing?
I'd say Renne first, given the spirit-world shifting fatigue, but I'm worried Saffron might be putting on what little tough air she can. For all we know she could be much worse off and is just keeping it to herself so as not to cause panic.

I'm half worried that whomever stands vigil might accidentally nod off.

Renne first, definitely.
>we wake up and Saffron is either dead or gone

Can we make our way back to the chamber we were in before? There wasn't any of that... stuff in there.

Oh yeah, we should probably get out of the upper levels anyway since there's all kinds of ghosts yelling at us up here. Might make it kind of hard to get some shut-eye.
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You look up at Saffron, and ask her if she would like to rest. She closes her eyes and breathes a heavy sigh.

"I never thought you would ask... I feel like I could go on but... but like whatever keeps me going... isn't actually me."

She shivers at the thought, and you do as well. But you smile up to her, and tell her that you're both going to get some rest, in shifts.

"You need it more, so you sleep first. You look like... almost like you're already dead."

The last bit comes out with a trembling voice, but you allay worries by telling her that you're okay. You head down the stairs to get away from the voices and the growing black mass.

I guess any place that's quiet and relatively far from any gross black goop will do.
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You head downwards, three floors, until the voices stop. You move into the small alcove where you found the green eye. Saffron gives you a quick pat on the withers before turning to face the doorway. You leave your torch with her, remove your saddlebags, and curl up into the corner. You cannot remember the last time you slept, and though you feel like you could keep going on for days, sleep comes to you quickly as soon you rest.
>>6544652 (OP)
That address isn't working for me.

What happens if we force ourselves to touch and stay in contact with the dagger?
And I meant that as a question. I've missed the last few sessions.
>That address isn't working for me.
<That's odd. It works fine for me.>
My bad, I didn't notice the > at the end.

This is the only time we've tried to touch it directly, and it seems pretty harmful/dangerous.

I don't think last night's session isn't archive yet, by the way.
Is it possible to get it properly archived? I have it open in another tab just in case..Of course I have no idea what to do with it.
<We have to hope that archiveAnon got it when it was still up. If not, I can save the page as a backup.>
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Your dreams are dark and empty at first, but the sounds and voices start filtering in. You hear, above all, Chronicle's voice echoing in the void. It is backed by a deep, intense rumbling noise.

Was that mp3 suppose to contain a deep, intense rumbling noise?
<No. It's dream ambience, I guess!>
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You can hear it, slowly growing. More and more instances of Chronicle's voice appear and fill your mind. You cannot discern what any of them are saying.
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>fiddle with contrast/brightness

>All that shit


I TOLD you the dreams would be useful

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That's a lot of text...
I smell a password clue.
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It's a bunch of numbers in a big square or something. What is this, sudoku?
I'm guessing it's some kind of number puzzle.
Also, can we call out to Chronicle? Ask him if he's still in there... Somewhere...
God I hope 4chan doesn't fuck this up
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But what does it mean?
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You call out to the darkness, trying to reach to him. Your voice is faint, covered up by the sound of waves and the creaking of wood.
>the creaking of wood
Maybe he had the hots for us.
We have to get the numbers we need out of this somehow. I'm thinking since they're organized in columns and rows maybe we need to look for the numbers using (x,y) coordinates or something.

Alternatively, the circles at the edges might mean something, too. They might be a starting and exit point, but I can't tell how that would work.
anyone find anything in that image?
I didn't
As far as I can tell with my trusty bucket tool, it's just a black square.
Listen more closely to the creaking wood.
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<Forgive me, it's rather hard working with near-black and black. Fixed.>
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Oh, good thing someone brought it up. I thought it was a case of THIS IMAGE WAS LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY.

I was wondering if the visual designs around the edge are a hint to solving the puzzle, but the lines pointing to the rows and columns would seem to lead away from the octagons, from a literal perspective. Also, adding all the numbers in each column and row would give the same answers backward and forward, so it can't be as simple as that. This was probably obvious, but everything is worth noting.
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I'm not sure if it's too relevant, but the octagons weren't actually filled out.
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Your calling out seems to be in vain. You can barely see him. You can hear what sounds like a book snapping shut, and can feel the presence of many around you.

"I don't know why you're shaking..."

That MP3!
Have we ever come across something that would look similar to this? Maybe we can tell which numbers we need using some other image as a filter.
Is that Bladwin?
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"Renne... please, are you okay? You were shaking..."

You awake, cradled in Saffron's lap.

"You were shaking really hard, and yelling for Chronicle. I'm sorry I woke you... I was worried..."
"...I miss him..."
what? what is it?
Computer! Run a full scan on that image!

Our eyes look a little better now.
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Looks like I might have been wrong, since it cut off as we woke up and he called Renne by name, but "I don't know why you're shaking... Why you're.... scared" was the first line of one of those mp3's we found, I thought. Trying to dig it up again to repost.

Not sure if Baldwin or pre-corruption Chronicle

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I think it's Chronicle. Before everything that happened here, of course.
tell her it's alright
and then let her have her turn to rest. she looks like death warmed over.
Ask her how long we actually slept for.


I know that MP3 now!

...Has our corruption receded? I can't see any on Renne's horn anymore, and the vertical line up her arm looks weaker.
i have no idea what this thread his about, but i just wanted to say that pony in op's image looks like she's getting ready to suck a huge dick

polite sage
It's OK. It was just a dream. How long was I out for?
i can't find the MP3 anymore
Let me have a look then. I went back to working on the numbers we found when you said you were getting the MP3.
I remember someone did a transcript of it, which should be posted somewhere in the quest archive.

The links to those two mp3's of the voice we found are in the original speculation thread on the sub, but the links went dead. Which is odd because I listened to one of them not 20-30 minutes ago.
"I don't know why you're shaking.
Why you're... scared.
You should feel priviledged.
You'll be the first, in a long line of many to come.
A catalyst.
Slit his throat. Toss him off of the pier. Get in the boat."

I can't find the audio either, but the transcript is here.

>"I don't know why you're shaking.
Why you're... scared.
You should feel privileged.
You'll be the first, in a long line of many to come.
A catalyst.
Slit his throat. Toss him off of the pier. Get in the boat."

>beaten to the punch again

ahfuckyou ;_;

There was a second one, too, but I don't see a transcript of it, and I don't remember what it said.
>Your voice is faint, covered up by the sound of waves and the creaking of wood.
>Slit his throat. Toss him off of the pier. Get in the boat.
>toss him off of the pier
what the fuck is happening
when was the second one?
Thankfully I seem to have that one saved, though not the first.
Give me a second, I'll throw it up on my dropbox.
I think someone was on that ship who wasn't supposed to be.
A cultist infiltrator, maybe?
So we just dreamed about some event that happened at some point in Chronicle's past?

No-one happens to have the first one lying around in their quest folder, do they?

I have so many questions right now.

Did anyone actually ever SEE Chronicle on the boat? If he wasn't on our boat... HOW LONG has he been down here?

Or is this place fucking with our heads even more?
That's a good question.
when did we find these two mp3 files? how long ago?

>The goat's throat was slit

Seriously what the hell is going on. If that was Chronicle's voice in those MP3's, this throws even more stuff into question.

>Not sure if Baldwin or pre-corruption Chronicle

It looks like Chronicle, but wearing the same cloak Baldwin wore. Their hair styles are also frighteningly similar. I don't know what this means, since they clearly can't be the same pony, but this is so odd...

The only other pony we've ever dreamed about was Baldwin.
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You tell her that it was okay. It was only a dream. You ask her how long you were asleep.

"A good few hours. You were even snoring at one point. Do you feel any better?"

You wiggle around for a moment and wake the rest of your body up. To be honest, compared to how you felt before, you feel great. You can tell that your tiredness was your body telling you so, and that your ability to keep moving... you don't want to think about it, much. You tell her that it's her turn to sleep. She nods reluctantly.
I'm pretty sure when we dreamed about Baldwin he looked like a pretty buffed pony. I don't know if we're looking at Chronicle in the past, or some kind of spirit embodiment of DP possessing Chronicle.
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Never got a good enough look at anyone on the boat to really tell. The only unnamed characters we got a good look at on the boat were an earth pony in the dining room, and a griffon we saw in the dining room and on the deck. He didn't look MANLY enough to be Gaston, though.

Can someone compare us now to how we looked earlier?

Does anyone else thing the corruption's receded a little?

Didn't his name change a while after we saw him?

It was Gareth or something, at first. I swear it was.
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It definitely has. The corruption was headed up Renne's horn before, and there was more of it over her face.
>You can hear what sounds like a book snapping shut
Do we have Chronicle's book?
If I remember correctly we held onto his stuff when he went wing-a-ling for the Mouth
It did. It was originally Gerard before LK decided he liked the name someone came up with him a lot more.
<Gerard. Someone called him Gaston though, and I loved it so much I changed it. Fuck the police.>
Didn't we give his saddlebags back to him?

I liked "Gerard..." >_>
not that I can remember
they didn't fit because he was wearing the backpiece of the armor
The first one was in log 9. Second was a while later.

Looks like we need an inventory check. I don't see his bags on him when he was impaled, but that could easily be an art oversight.
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That said, given this is only one of the lifeboats aboard the ship, there were plenty of ponies we didn't meet, and it's not like we knew to look out for him.
There's even a unicorn specifically sticking out on this one!
I really hope that isn't actually Chronicle, since that'd mean Remnant's lifeboat was impaled.
Or that the pony down here is not Chronicle
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>"The corruption was headed up Renne's horn"
>Posts a picture where it isn't
inventory check while saffron takes a nap
Let's guard the doorway while Saffron sleeps. In the meantime, let's check our inventory.
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I'm leaning toward Chronicle, since Baldwin looks to have had more of a mohawk thing going on.
If a nap did this much good for us, maybe Saffron should get some rest too.

How long were we out for?

"A good few hours."

And yes, naps were a good idea.
>Maybe Saffron should get some rest too.
That's the plan

>How long were we out for?

I was just about to call you

Have you figured anything out with that board full of numbers?
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You tell Saffron not to worry, that you will guard the door and let her get some well-needed rest. You thank her for everything once more, for being brave and strong and keeping you safe. She gives you her torches and bags before curling up in the corner you slept in. You give her a scritch on the ear before guarding the doorway.

"...Thank you, Renne."

Nope. If nobody's figured it out by the time we're back to the Mind as our only option, I think we should ask LK to cut the session so we have another week or so to work on it. It took us a while to get that color code puzzle, but we did it eventually. I think this is important to do before we go there.
When the numbers which led us to the first mp3 appeared...
>"And before you ask, yes, I do trust both you and Saffron, and not merely out of necessity. I truly am lucky."
>You sigh at Chronicle's comment. Hearing it is nice, both the suggestion that you aren't going to turn into a monster, and the fact that Chronicle trusts you. You take one look back at the room, and your head fogs up slightly. Off in the distance, you can hear what sounds like pained and desperate whispers. You shake it off and decide to leave the room behind.
>the mp3 we're led to involves killing someone, throwing them off a pier, and getting on a boat
why do I get the feeling in hindsight that something was trying to warn us about Chronicle...?
or am I crazy?

>tail wagging

M-my heart
Inventory check.
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Dunno if it helps in any way, but tallied up the rows and columns.
If we're still missing a clue to solve it, though, then we'll be getting a week-long headache.
I hope that's not the case.
I don't think you're crazy.
By the way, anyone have the link to the tumblr we don't know the password to?

>get MP3 near where the corpse stack was
>DP warns us not to talk to them
was DP protecting Chronicle?
Since "tnxa" was the password to the other tumblr, maybe the rest of the name means something.

That was from looking toward the room with the corpsestack, not from Chronicle. He was never anything but a gentleman and a friend when he was with us. He risked his life not once or twice but three times for us. I absolutely refuse to believe he was a bad guy. Not like DP.

If sacrificing himself to DP was his plan all along, wouldn't he have tried to get more of the armor? DP himself stated he would have liked more of it.


DP was using Chance, and Chance was trying to kill Chronicle. How does that make any sense?
this one? >>6552598
The only way to know for sure is to keep digging.
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Well, I guess that's that.
It's not like we won't keep calling him Dr Pepper, anyway.

>tfw up to now you were hoping we might have had some measure of power over him by knowing his name

Well, fuck. So much for that.
Was yesterday's session saved anywhere? Maybe there was a clue there?

I personally still want to know what .̵̤͙.̡̣̻ means.
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The lines around the outside of that remind me a little of the markings on the bottom-right of this...

Man, I just realised Archive Anon probably didn't bother capping it since we usually keep it alive until today, so he's going to have a pain with that.
so what do we know?
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You sit out in the doorway and take a deep breath. You decide to take inventory of all your items, while she's asleep.

In your saddlebags you have a spade, a brush, a tiny ball peen hammer, the bundled dagger, a pick, a bundle of writing utensils (one pencil, two charcoal, one crayon), and a good sized stack of papers (including your maps), and Remnant's book on bad dreams.

Saffron is carrying a dog biscuit, your Marshalltown trowel (sharpened), a piece of dried meat, and the other dagger. She also has in her bag, the two cloth sacks belonging to Chronicle. Inside of them are a small worn book, Gusty's note, and your room keys.

<Yes, I know, bag out of nowhere. She's had it since she picked it up off of Gusty and it has been tied around her hip, but I have been consistent in my inconsistency!>
I wasn't sure what the 282 meant, but now I see that both adding the columns together and adding the rows together produce the number 282. I think that's kind of suspicious.
Let's check Chronicle's book.

If there was ever a time to look at that book, it'd be now.
Nah, the fact that both add up to 282 is inevitable.
One way you're adding all the numbers in a column together, then adding all those columns together: effectively just adding every number in the grid together.
The other way you're adding all the numbers in a row then adding the rows: still in effect just adding all the numbers together.
Can we swap the covers on the two books while we're at it?
>Chronicle is reluctant but opens his small cloth bag. In it is a small book, and the other jasper stone.
>we've never seen the book

Agreed, but I'd like to hear your reasoning. Just to be sure we're on the same page.
Well, fuck me.
In any case, if maybe the design represents the addition of both those sums, then the answer would be 564. I don't know if we ca get something from that.

Don't forget we might have to work in base 8.
Not much behind the idea, I'm afraid. Just thought that Chronicle might not want us reading his journal, so if he interferes we won't actually lose it (at first, at least). Plus if he doesn't interfere now, later on it gives us the chance to pull a fast one on him by tempting him with one or the other, if we want to.
I also kinda just want to be able to thank Remnant for his gift and tell him how it helped.

No reason not to, if it's possible.
Assuming what we get from this is the password for the tumblr, I have been trying the following numbers as passwords:
282 = 432 (base 8)
564 = 1064
1128 = 2150

No luck yet.
>She also has in her bag, the two cloth sacks belonging to Chronicle. Inside of them are a small worn book, Gusty's note, and your room keys.
...remind me again why Chronicle has our room keys?
I think we put them there to free up space in our bags? I might be wrong, though.
Wait... I just had a thought. We have a book on bad dreams.

Maybe we should... You know, look up some bits of what we just had? Maybe what he said or something. The theme of it. I know it seems obvious, but it couldn't hurt, and we do have a couple hours to kill.

If we were in the same room, I'd ask you to smack me in the head for not thinking of it sooner.

Thank you.
What this guy said
I suggested giving them to himalong with Gusty's note to tuck inside his journal to free up slots. He declined, and proceeded to clog up his entire inventory with those two paperthin items making things worse than before I made the suggestion.
After investigating the potentially enlightening/incriminating book, alright?
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You pick up the book and rotate it in front of your face, examining the extremely worn cover and pages. You rifle through a few pages and immediately recoil as dozens of instances of Chronicle's voice appear in your head, all seeming to be reading things from his perspective. You shake your head and flip quickly until it all comes to a halt.
Just make sure we don't get too enthralled in any of the books that we wouldn't notice someone coming up to us uncloaked, and position ourselves such that he can't slip past us to Saffron while we read.
OK then.
I guess start at where it ends then work backward?
Did we see any pictures while flipping through?
Wait, <cutscene>.

Could that be his "special talent?" Whatever he writes down becomes an audiobook, of sorts?

Could be just the usual fuckery of this place but that would be a neat skill.
he never did tell us what it was
i don't think we asked him
I've got a bad feeling about this, Scoob.
We're reading the Chronicler's diary.
We're must be in for quite a story.
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You stare at the page, the scent of burning paper filling your nose. The paper itself is not on fire, but the symbols in the page are smoldering and spreading across it, even as you look. The longer you stare, the more the pounding rhythm of the temple fills your head.
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>QR code just out in the open
...the fuck
Well, this is pretty subtle.
>smoldering octagon in Chronicle's brain-book
i think he's pretty much gone ;_;
Anyone having any luck decoding it? The online decoder I usually use just can't handle all the scratchiness in it.
I'm tidying it up, but I think a proper phone'd probably be able to deal with it.
Computer. Analyze.
Tumblr being down forced my hand. You know I wouldn't want it this easy.

>code can't be read until all the broken pixels are replaced



If you're working on it I'll just wait for you.
Yup, working on it.
About 1/8th of the way there (hahaha).

My phone's camera is bad enough to not notice the broken pixles
Fuck me


Link doesn't work..
I got something on my phone. A URL.

One moment.
link aint workin man
>A second too late
Don't you remember the last time we had an xxxxxx dropbox? Throw some numbers in it, man!

oop. beaten to it.
Of course it's not working. We need to figure out the XXXX part.
have you all seriously forgotten that we need to punch in numbers?

Man, I suck at this

Missed an X in the last bit

Oh, I thought you were implying that you had found an actual file. Should have been obvious, my mistake
rows and columns?
i will be back in a moment
>Put in first row of numbers
>"I don't know why you're shaking..."
Welp, I guess that's confirmation that that was Chronicle.
Time to try every row and column, what the fuck.
For easy Linkifying









This is bullshit. Fuck.
Columns work too.
It's Chronicle's audio-diary.
Goddamn it Chronicle. ;_;
>>6544652 (OP)
I laughed
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>"Time to put on...my best disguise yet."

I feel worse the more I listen to these
Fuck this
Fuck everything
I'm seriously ready to cry ;_;
I need to lay down.
So they do. Thanks.








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>the last column
we fucked up
we fucked up hard
>That third one
Goddamnit, I remember those lines.
Slight typo on the fourth one:
Can someone see if they can ungarble that voice talking to him?
Whoops, swapped two of the numbers in these two.


I'm just sitting here with my fucking head in my hands.
Plan for next week:
Find Chronicle
Murder him
Let him resurrect
Murder him again
It's okay, Soup. He played us all like a violin.

T-that son of a bitch.


That... that son of a bitch--!!!
That son of a bitch...! ;_;

He wanted this all along and we walked right into it.

He played us like a fucking flute.
Me too.

...And now I'm wondering if the password is somewhere in these files.
we should have listened to the guys saying he was a turncoat
>that face he made when he got the wings
I'm fiddling around with it but I have no idea what the shit I'm doing.
I can only laugh.

So it really is hopeless...

We're going to rip those wings off of him.

And then tear him apart.
I'm honestly not even mad.
He's pretty much done us a favour.
It was always a choice between equipping the armour and getting this temple up off the seabed or lying down and dieing.
If it weren't for Chronicle, DP would have tricked us into impaling ourselves once we took out Baldwin: thanks to Chronicle, we've got someone to take that blow for us.
And now that we know this was what he wanted from the start, I now no longer feel bad about him taking that hit.
Now we just need to take him out, reseal this bastard and get home.
>"The deed is done. Eagle eye is gone, and so is that FUCKING goat."
>Eagle eye
What in the FUCK
The other Griffon. The one that broke away while they were swimming down, and was killed by water pressure.
He just played us like a god damned fiddle
And you're going to choose to believe THAT part of his story?

>that FUCKING Goat

I suppose that could be why that ghost is so pissed off.

Pity we didn't try to reason with him. It sounds like they didn't get along.
Is anybody else not so mad that they're taking the time to try to decipher what the fuck was being said in the last message?
...Good point.
The other griffon. The one that scratched his eye while they strapped him down to the altar on the sevent floor and bled him out.
>blood on the 7th floor altar
>presence felt there
>we ignored it
Half a year.

Half a fucking year, to the very day.

If there is anyone reading this quest in archive format, take whatever sense of surprise or betrayal you might be feeling right now, and multiply that by over 24 weeks of investment.

Or just laugh at how blind we were. God damn.

Trying to.

I can't tell what's been done to the sound, though.

KINDA sounds like it could be reversed...
it's okay, Soup
scarves, remember?
I've sped up, changed tempo, reversed..not having much luck.
Maybe I'm just crazy from repeatedly listening to this thing but it sounds like the voice says "Chronicle" at the beginning and something like "you must kill" when he asks 'What do I have to do?'

To me it sounds like slow down and pitch drop. maybe it's reversed, but I can't tell right now.
Oh, I should add I don't think it's reversed. But who knows
I tried reversing it. It came out sounding even more distorted. And I'm pretty sure I can make out a distorted "Chronicle" at the start.
I'd say it's not reversed, whatever it is.
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I figure I'll leave the audio work to people who actually have a clue what they're doing, but figured I might as well finish off repairing that QR code, so here's that.
>Is the lich dead?
>Excellent. ???????
>What do I have to do?
>You must (kill?) ??????
>Without question...
>is the lich dead

I don't think that's exactly what he said... but then again, this audio's kicking my ass right now.
>You must kill...me...
I keep hearing that
but that can't be right

I don't hear anything after "you must kill."

Assuming that's what he's even saying.
I was hearing that too. What's everyone else been doing in regards to adjusting the audio?
I didn't either at first, but after screwing with the pitch a bit I thought I could make out a barely-uttered "me" at the end, like the voice was trailing off.

I've tried High and Low-Pass filters, speeding it up, pitching it up...

...but then, my earbuds are only half-working, so I might be missing parts of it anyway.
I tried slowing it down a bit, then screwing around with the pitch.
>It is weak
Anyone else hear something similar to that?

Sounds more like "you must kill HIM."

>Ok, I've got to admit this is a pretty boss ride. But where the heck are you going with it?

>To… wake up a friend.

Could be.
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I just realized
We were headed up to the Mind with the intent to rescue him
We even fucking hugged him a few times
I legitimately feel sick

Not to jump to any conclusions, but if someone is keeping his "friend" locked up like Baldwin was doing to him... then Xjuntnxa might want to kill them and let them free.

...Or he might want to kill him and take the "four of soul" or whatever he might have there...

If he still thinks we haven't caught on, though...?

I don't want to look at that right now.
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>just remembered he's capable of 'seeing' what we post

I thought LK said the thread was "safe" to discuss in after he Booped the session, though.
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Yup. He's a big old jerk.
This aggression will not stand, man.

Pepper, my friend, you are walking into a WORLD of pain!

Oh hey, good point.
We've still read his journal he didn't want us reading though...
Though I suppose Renne didn't actually see any of it, beyond that mark burnt into the page.
Did he? Well that's good

I think that was scrapped after the whole leaving the thread dealie just to make posting simpler. We effectively already "defeated" that ability. I could be wrong, though.
but we are Renne and we found and listened to all the logs
*Readies .50 cal beretta and combat shotgun*
>tfw you want to send DP a message saying you know Chronicle is his crony and all bets are officially off, but you know no good can possibly come of it.
I don't think he's too worried about us finding out anymore.
Y'know, now that it's too late to stop him.

Yeah, but if that connection is still there, he'd know if we were trying to blindside him - or if we found a way to hurt him.

>is the lich ????

Sound more like

>is the bitch ????

to me.

Also - how long ago was that entry written?
Shit I should get some sleep but this audio clip is driving me crazy. I need some coffee
meanwhile we're still no closer to figuring out the password to that new tumblr

I think to learn the password, we'll have to learn the other one's name.

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